- class Graph:
- def __init__(self):
- self.vertices = {}
- def add_vertex(self, key):
- vertex = Vertex(key)
- self.vertices[key] = vertex
- def get_vertex(self, key):
- return self.vertices[key]
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return key in self.vertices
- def add_edge(self, src_key, dest_key, weight=1):
- self.vertices[src_key].add_neighbour(self.vertices[dest_key], weight)
- def does_edge_exist(self, src_key, dest_key):
- return self.vertices[src_key].does_it_point_to(self.vertices[dest_key])
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.vertices)
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self.vertices.values())
- class Vertex:
- def __init__(self, key):
- self.key = key
- self.points_to = {}
- def get_key(self):
- return self.key
- def add_neighbour(self, dest, weight):
- self.points_to[dest] = weight
- def get_neighbours(self):
- return self.points_to.keys()
- def get_weight(self, dest):
- return self.points_to[dest]
- def does_it_point_to(self, dest):
- return dest in self.points_to
- def floyd_warshall(g):
- distance = {v:dict.fromkeys(g, float('inf')) for v in g}
- next_v = {v:dict.fromkeys(g, None) for v in g}
- for v in g:
- for n in v.get_neighbours():
- distance[v][n] = v.get_weight(n)
- next_v[v][n] = n
- for v in g:
- distance[v][v] = 0
- next_v[v][v] = None
- for p in g:
- for v in g:
- for w in g:
- if distance[v][w] > distance[v][p] + distance[p][w]:
- distance[v][w] = distance[v][p] + distance[p][w]
- next_v[v][w] = next_v[v][p]
- return distance, next_v
- def print_path(next_v, u, v):
- p = u
- while (next_v[p][v]):
- print('{} -> '.format(p.get_key()), end='')
- p = next_v[p][v]
- print('{} '.format(v.get_key()), end='')
- g = Graph()
- print('Menu')
- print('add vertex <key>')
- print('add edge <src> <dest> <weight>')
- print('floyd-warshall')
- print('display')
- print('quit')
- while True:
- do = input('What would you like to do? ').split()
- operation = do[0]
- if operation == 'add':
- suboperation = do[1]
- if suboperation == 'vertex':
- key = int(do[2])
- if key not in g:
- g.add_vertex(key)
- else:
- print('Vertex already exists.')
- elif suboperation == 'edge':
- src = int(do[2])
- dest = int(do[3])
- weight = int(do[4])
- if src not in g:
- print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(src))
- elif dest not in g:
- print('Vertex {} does not exist.'.format(dest))
- else:
- if not g.does_edge_exist(src, dest):
- g.add_edge(src, dest, weight)
- else:
- print('Edge already exists.')
- elif operation == 'floyd-warshall':
- distance, next_v = floyd_warshall(g)
- print('Shortest distances:')
- for start in g:
- for end in g:
- if next_v[start][end]:
- print('From {} to {}: '.format(start.get_key(),
- end.get_key()),
- end = '')
- print_path(next_v, start, end)
- print('(distance {})'.format(distance[start][end]))
- elif operation == 'display':
- print('Vertices: ', end='')
- for v in g:
- print(v.get_key(), end=' ')
- print()
- print('Edges: ')
- for v in g:
- for dest in v.get_neighbours():
- w = v.get_weight(dest)
- print('(src={}, dest={}, weight={}) '.format(v.get_key(),
- dest.get_key(), w))
- print()
- elif operation == 'quit':
- break