= count($words))
$lines[] = $currentLine;
//Check to see if we can add another word to this line
$metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $currentLine . ' '
. $words[$i+1]);
while($metrics['textWidth'] <= $maxWidth)
//If so, do it and keep doing it!
$currentLine .= ' ' . $words[++$i];
if($i+1 >= count($words))
$metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $currentLine . ' '
. $words[$i+1]);
//We can't add the next word to this line, so loop to the next line
$lines[] = $currentLine;
//Finally, update line height
if($metrics['textHeight'] > $lineHeight)
$lineHeight = $metrics['textHeight'];
return array($lines, $lineHeight);
function displayImage($quote, $person, $imageLoc)
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$image = new Imagick();
/* Green text */
/* Font properties */
$fontsize = 0.05 * $image->getimagewidth();
$draw->setFontSize( "$fontsize" );
$xpos = $image->getimagewidth()/4;
$ypos = $image->getimageheight()/4;
$msg = '"' . $quote . '"' . " - $person";
list($lines, $lineHeight) = wordWrapAnnotation($image,
$draw, $msg, $image->getimagewidth() /2);
for($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++)
$image->annotateImage($draw, $xpos, $ypos + $i*$lineHeight,
0, $lines[$i]);
/* Give image a format */
echo '';
function printHalf($query)
$r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r))
$q2 = "select name from people where person_id='" .
$row['person_id'] . "' limit 1";
$r2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $q2);
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($r2))
$images = glob('../img/*');
displayImage($row['quote'], $row2['name'],
$images[rand(0, count($images) - 1)]);
echo '';
echo '