Personal blog written from scratch using Node.js, Bootstrap, and MySQL.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

62 lines
1.9 KiB

//used to append static content to result
const includes = require('../includes/includes.js');
* @author Jeffery Russell 10-30-18
* @type {{main: (function(*=, *): Promise)}}
serveStaticContent: function(request, result, filename, baseURL)
var fullPath = baseURL + filename;
if(fullPath.charAt(0) === '/')
fullPath = fullPath.substring(1,);
if (filename.includes(".svg") || filename.includes(".svg"))
includes.sendSVG(result, fullPath);
return true;
//handles image requests
else if (filename.includes(".jpg") ||
filename.includes(".png") || filename.includes(".ico"))
includes.sendImage(result, fullPath);
return true;
//css and font files
else if (filename.includes(".woff2") || filename.includes(".css") ||
includes.sendCSS(result, fullPath);
return true;
else if (filename.includes(".json"))
if(fullPath.includes("includes/") || fullPath.includes("blogContent"))
includes.sendHTML(result, fullPath);
return true;
else if (filename.includes(".js"))
if(fullPath.includes("includes/") || fullPath.includes("blogContent"))
includes.sendJS(result, fullPath);
return true;
else if (filename.includes(".html"))
includes.sendHTML(result, fullPath);
return true;
return false;