Personal blog written from scratch using Node.js, Bootstrap, and MySQL.

1.2 KiB

MYSQL Schema

create database jrtechs_blog;

use jrtechs_blog;

create table users(
user_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
user_name varchar(60) not null,
password char(64) not null,
salt char(64) not null,
primary key(user_id)

create table categories(
category_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
name varchar(60) not null,
url varchar(60) not null,
primary key(category_id)

create table posts(
post_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
category_id mediumint unsigned not null,
picture_url varchar(100) not null,
published datetime not null,
name varchar(100) not null,
url varchar(100) not null,
pinned BIT,
primary key(post_id)

ALTER TABLE posts ADD pinned BIT;

create table downloads(
download_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
file varchar(40) not null,
name varchar(40) not null,
download_count mediumint not null,
primary key(download_id)

create table traffic_log(
log_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
url varchar(60) not null,
ip varchar(20) not null,
date datetime not null,
primary key(log_id)

grant all on jrtechs_blog.* to blog_user@localhost identified by "password";