Personal blog written from scratch using Node.js, Bootstrap, and MySQL.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4.5 KiB


Optimize Images

Since images are the largest portion of a website's size, optimizing and reducing the size of images will greatly decrease load time. In a perfect web development world, everyone would use SVG images which are extremely small and don't need compression. However, since most of us use PNG and JPEG images I wrote a script to automatically optimize images for the web.


# Simple script for optimizing all images for a website
# @author Jeffery Russell 7-19-18

WIDTH="690>"  # the ">" tag specifies that images will not get scaled up

folders=("./entries" "./img")

for folder in "${folders[@]}"; do

    for f in $(find $folder -name '*.jpg' -or -name '*.JPG'); do
        convert "$f" -resize $WIDTH "$f"
        jpegoptim --max=80 --strip-all --preserve --totals --all-progressive "$f"

    for f in $(find $folder -name '*.png' -or -name '*.PNG'); do
        convert "$f" -resize $WIDTH "$f"
        optipng -o7 -preserve "$f"

When ran, this script will go through the img, and entries folder recursively and optimize all the images in there. If an image is more than 690px wide, it will scale it down to save size. In most cases, it is useless to have images with a width greater than 690 because it will just get scaled by the client's web browser.

If you are running a Debian based linux distro, you can download the dependencies for this script with the following commands:

apt-get install jpegoptim
apt-get install optipng

The goal of this script is to make most of the images under 100kb for the web. It is ok to have a few images above 100k, however, you should really avoid having images above 200kb.

Take advantage of Async calls

One of the largest benefits of node is its async abilities where code is executed in a multi-threaded fashion. This can become a callback hell if not handled correctly, but, with good code structure it can become very easy. When code is executed in parallel, you can greatly decrease run time by doing other stuff while waiting on costly file IO or database calls.

The problem with async code is that it is hard to coordinate. Node has a lot of ways to handel synchronization, but, I prefer to use Promises . Here is a simple example where async code can become inefficient.

Good Code Async:

    require(file).main(filename, request),

Bad Async Code:

    return require(file).main(res, filename, request);
    return includes.printFooter(res);

In the first example three blocks of async code are executed in parallel and in the second example three blocks of async code are executed one after another. Many people may initially do the second option because it may seem like you have to create and render the footer after you render the header and body of the page.

A great way to handel async calls is by having most of your methods returning promises which resolve to the HTML or DB information that they produce. When you run Promise.all, it returns an array of the objects which enables you to preserve the order ie header, body, footer. After you do this for all of your code, it creates a "perfect" async tree which actually runs very fast.

Another Good Async Example:

 * Calls posts and sidebar modules to render blog contents in order
 * @param requestURL
 * @returns {Promise|*}
main: function(requestURL)
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)

Client Side Caching

var eTag = crypto.createHash('md5').update(content).digest('hex');
result.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css', 'Cache-Control': 
                        'public, max-age=2678400', 'ETag': '"' + eTag + '"', 
                        'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding'});
cache.put(path, content);

Server Side Caching

Enable Compression (GZIP)

Purge Unused CSS Definitions

Minify CSS and Javascript