
About Me

I am a self-proclaimed geek; I have been programming since I salvaged parts to build a computer when I was in 6th grade. Computers are my lifeblood; when I am not building software, I enjoy photography, running, reading, and cooking.

I am a fifth-year Computer Science student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Check out my GitHub, blog posts, and project websites to see what software and I've been cooking up. My current interests are in graph data, web scraping, machine learning, computer vision, and open-source software.

This Site

JRTechs is a personal blog where I write about everything from projects to tutorials on sophisticated machine learning algorithms. If you want to stay up to date with new posts, subscribe to my RSS feed.

This site initially started as a static HTML site in 2014 when I was first learning the ropes of web development. Since then, this site has undergone massive changes as I expanded my web development skills. Currently the site is a custom Express application which uses Pandoc to render Latex and Markdown files as HTML documents. This site has its very own admin portal to manage posts and has even expanded to include: customizable downloads, photography galleries, nested static websites, and static content for miscellaneous events.
