const pandoc = require('node-pandoc');

const utils = require('../utils/utils.js');

const sql = require('../utils/sql');

const argsFull = '-S --base-header-level=1 --toc --toc-depth=3 -N --normalize -s --mathjax -t html5';
const argsPreview = '-S --normalize -s --mathjax -t html5';


         * Renders the entire blog post based on the sql data pulled
         * from the database.
         * @param post sql data which has title, date, and header img location
         * @param blocks number of blocks to display for a preview or -1 for
         * all the blocks
         * @returns {Promise} async call which renders the entire blog post.
        generateBlogPost: function(post, blocks)
            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
                    module.exports.generateBlogPostBody(post, blocks),

         * Renders the header of the blog post which contains the header image, and date
         * published.
         * @param post sql data
         * @returns {string}
        generateBlogPostHeader: function(post)
            var htmlHead = "<div class=\"blogPost\">";
            if(!(post.picture_url === "n/a"))
                htmlHead +="<img src=\"/blogContent/headerImages/" + post.picture_url +
                    "\" alt=\"\" style=\"width:100%; height:10%\">";

            htmlHead += "<div class=\"p-4\"><div class=\"\">";
            htmlHead += "<h3><b>" + + "</b></h3>";
            htmlHead += "<h5><span class=\"w3-opacity\">" +
                post.published.toDateString() + "</span></h5>";
            htmlHead +="</div>" + "<div class=\"\">";

            return htmlHead;

         * Method which renders the body of the blog post. This is responsible for getting
         * the contents of the markdown/latex file and rendering it into beautiful html.
         * @param post
         * @param blocks
         * @returns {Promise}
        generateBlogPostBody: function(post, blocks)
            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
                    const pathName =  "blogContent/posts/" + category[0].url + "/"
                        + post.url + ".md";
                    var markDown = utils.getFileContents(pathName).toString();
                    markDown = markDown.split("(media/").join("(" + "../blogContent/posts/"
                        + category[0].url + "/media/");

                    module.exports.convertToHTML(markDown, blocks).then(function(result)

                        result = result.split("<figcaption>").join("<figcaption style=\"visibility: hidden;\">");

                        //this line prevents older versions of pandoc from including invalid cdm scripts
                        result = result.split("<script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>").join("");

                        if(blocks == -1)

                        const htmlBlocks = result.split("<p>");
                        var html = "";
                        for(var i = 0; i < blocks; i++)
                            html += "<p>" + htmlBlocks[i];

                        html += "      <div style=\"\">\n" +
                            "          <p class='text-center'><button class=\"btn btn-secondary btn-lg " +
                            "w3-padding-large w3-white w3-border\"  onclick=\"location.href='" +
                            "" + category[0].url + "/" + post.url +
                            "'\"><b>READ MORE &raquo;</b></button></p>\n" +
                            "      </div>\n";




        /** Method to return the footer of the html blog post.
         * @returns {string}
        generateBlogPostFooter: function()
            return "</div></div></div><br><br>";

         * Converts markdown into html.
         * @param markdownContents
         * @param type
         * @returns {Promise}
        convertToHTML: function(markdownContents, type)
            return new Promise(function(resolve, reject)
                // Set your callback function
                callback = function (err, html)
                    if (err)

                    html = html.split("<img").join("<img style=\"max-width: 100%;\" ");
                    html = html.split("<code>").join("<code class='hljs cpp'>");

                if(type == -1)
                    pandoc(markdownContents, argsFull, callback);
                    pandoc(markdownContents, argsPreview, callback);