/** * Boated file which handles all the SQL * queries ran by the server * * @author Jeffery Russell */ const mysql = require('mysql'); /** Sanitizer to clean user inputs and prevent SQL injections */ const sanitizer = require('sanitizer'); /** Crypto package used for hashing */ const crypto = require('crypto'); /** Used to parse post data */ const qs = require('querystring'); /** Used to load the config file from the disk */ const config = require('../utils/configLoader').getConfig(); /** SQL connection */ const con = mysql.createConnection({ host: config.SQL_HOST, user: config.SQL_USER, password: config.SQL_PASSWORD, database: config.SQL_DATABASE }); con.connect(function(err) { if (err) console.log(err); }); /** * Function used to query the database for records * * @param sqlStatement * @returns {Array} */ const fetch = function(sqlStatement) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { con.query(sanitizer.sanitize(sqlStatement), function (err, result) { if(err) { console.log(err); reject(err); } resolve(result); }); }); }; /** * Function used to use insert statements into the database * * Don't worry, the input gets sanitized * * @param sqlStatement * @return the id of the new record - if there is one */ const insert = function(sqlStatement) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { con.query(sanitizer.sanitize(sqlStatement), function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err); reject(); } resolve(result.insertId); }); }) }; /** * Helper function to generate a hashed password * from a given plain text password. * * This uses 64 bits of entropy as the random salt * and uses sha256 hashing method to hash the password * combined with the salt. * * @param password * @returns {Object pass: hashedPassword, salt: salt used to hash} */ const createHashedPassword = function(password) { const randBuff = crypto.randomBytes(64); const salt = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(randBuff).digest('hex'); const hashPass = crypto.createHash('sha256') .update(password + salt) .digest('hex'); var hashPassObject = new Object(); hashPassObject.pass = hashPass; hashPassObject.salt = salt; return hashPassObject; }; /** * Helper function which fetches the category url for all the * posts returned in the posts table and appends them to the * posts json objects. * * @param sqlPosts * @returns {Promise} */ const fetchWithCategoryInformation = function(sqlPosts) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var promises = []; sqlPosts.forEach(function(post) { promises.push(new Promise(function(res, rej) { var getCategory = "select url from categories where " + "category_id='" + post.category_id + "'"; fetch(getCategory).then(function(urls) { var obj = new Object(); obj.name = post.name; obj.url = post.url; obj.category = urls[0].url; res(obj); }); })); }); Promise.all(promises).then(function(goodies) { resolve(goodies); }); }); }; module.exports= { /** * function which fetches the sql info on a post based on it's sql id * @param id * @returns {Array} */ getPostById: function(id) { console.log("select * from posts where post_id='" + id + "' limit 1"); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fetch("select * from posts where post_id='" + id + "' limit 1") .then(function(post) { resolve(post[0]); }).catch(function(error) { reject(error); }); }); }, insert: function(sqlStatement) { return insert(sqlStatement); }, /** * Not to be mistaken for getPostData() in @file utils/utils.js, * this function extracts a post entry from the sql server * * @param requestURL url user used to request blog post * @return {*} the entry found in the data base -- if any */ getPost : function(requestURL) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var splitURL = requestURL.split("/") var q = "select * from categories where url='" + splitURL[1] + "'"; fetch(q).then(function (result_category) { if(result_category.length != 0) { var q2 = "select * from posts where category_id='" + result_category[0].category_id + "' and url='" + splitURL[2] + "'"; fetch(q2).then(function (result_posts) { resolve(result_posts); }); } else { resolve(0); } }); }); }, /** * Function used to retrieve all categories when making the sidebar * * @return {Promise<Response> | * | Array} */ getCategories : function() { const q = "select * from categories"; return fetch(q); }, /** * Function which currently returns all blog of a particular * category from the database * @param requestURL * @return {*|Promise} */ getPostsFromCategory: function(requestURL) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var q = "select * from categories where url ='" + requestURL + "'"; fetch(q).then(function(categories) { if(categories.length != 0) { var qPosts = "select * from posts where category_id='" + categories[0].category_id + "' order by published desc"; resolve(fetch(qPosts)); } else { resolve([]); } }); }); }, /** * Fetches the recent posts from the database. * @returns {Array} */ getRecentPostSQL: function() { return fetch("select * from posts order by post_id desc"); }, /** * Helper method which returns a list of objects which contains the url * and name of thee ten most recent posts * * {[name: , url: ],[name: , url: ],[name: , url: ],...} * * @return {*|Promise} */ getRecentPosts: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var q = "select name,url, category_id from posts order " + "by post_id desc limit 10"; fetch(q).then(function(sqlPosts) { fetchWithCategoryInformation(sqlPosts).then(function(data) { resolve(data); }) }); }); }, /** * Returns a list of all the pinned posts in the database. * * @returns {Promise} */ getPinnedPosts: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var q = "select name,url, category_id from posts where pinned=1 order " + "by post_id desc limit 10"; fetch(q).then(function(sqlPosts) { fetchWithCategoryInformation(sqlPosts).then(function(data) { resolve(data); }) }); }); }, /** * Function which checks to see if a user successfully logged in based on * the post data which they sent * * @param postData the post data * @return {*|Promise} a json object with {pass: , user: } * the pass is whether or not they logged in successfully and the user is * the username they successfully logged in with */ checkLogin: function(postData) { const post = qs.parse(postData); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var result = Object(); result.pass = false; if(post.username && post.password) { const cleanName = sanitizer.sanitize(post.username); const cleanPassword = sanitizer.sanitize(post.password); const getSalt = "select * from users where user_name='" + cleanName + "'"; fetch(getSalt).then(function(saltResult) { if(saltResult.length == 1) { const hashedPassword = crypto.createHash('sha256') .update(cleanPassword + saltResult[0].salt) .digest('hex'); if(saltResult[0].password === hashedPassword) { result.pass = true; result.user = cleanName; resolve(result); } else { resolve(result) } } else { //incorrect username resolve(result); } }) } else { //no login attempts were made resolve(result); } }); }, /** * Fetches a promise containing every post in the database * @returns {Array} */ getAllPosts: function() { return fetch("select * from posts order by published desc"); }, getAllUsers: function() { return fetch("select * from users"); }, getUserByID: function(userID) { const cleanID = sanitizer.sanitize(userID); const q = "select * from users where user_id='" + cleanID + "'"; return fetch(q); }, removeUser: function(user_id) { const cleanID = sanitizer.sanitize(user_id); return insert("delete from users where user_id='" + cleanID + "'"); }, addUser: function(username, password) { const cleanName = sanitizer.sanitize(username); const cleanPassword = sanitizer.sanitize(password); const hashedPassword = createHashedPassword(cleanPassword); const q = "insert into users(user_name, password, salt) values('" + cleanName + "'," + "'" + hashedPassword.pass + "','" + hashedPassword.salt + "')"; return insert(q); }, updateUser: function(userID, username, password) { const cleanID = sanitizer.sanitize(userID); const cleanName = sanitizer.sanitize(username); const cleanPassword = sanitizer.sanitize(password); const hashedPassword = createHashedPassword(cleanPassword); const q = "update users " + "set user_name='" + cleanName + "'" + ",password='" + hashedPassword.pass + "'" + ",salt='" + hashedPassword.salt + "'" + " where user_id='" + cleanID + "'"; return insert(q); }, /** * Fetches the sql category information based on it's id * @param categoryId * @returns {Array} */ getCategory: function(categoryId) { return fetch("select * from categories where category_id='" + categoryId + "'"); }, /**Returns download information associated with a download name * * @param downloadURL * @returns {Array} */ getDownload: function(downloadURL) { var cleanD = sanitizer.sanitize(downloadURL); var q = "select * from downloads where name='" + cleanD + "' limit 1"; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fetch(q).then(function(sqlData) { return module.exports.incrementDownloadCount(sqlData); }).then(function(sqlData) { resolve(sqlData) }).catch(function(error) { reject(error); }) }); }, /** Increments the download count in the database * * @param sqlRow * @returns {*|Promise} */ incrementDownloadCount: function(sqlRow) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if(sqlRow.length == 1) { var q = "update downloads set download_count='" + (sqlRow[0].download_count + 1) + "' where download_id='" + sqlRow[0].download_id + "'"; console.log(q); insert(q).then(function(r) { resolve(sqlRow); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }) } else { resolve(sqlRow); } }); }, /** * Fetches all the downloads from the database * * @returns {Array} */ getAllDownloads: function() { return fetch("select * from downloads"); }, /** * Inserts a download row into the database * * @param name of the download * @param file name of file * @returns {*|the} */ addDownload: function(name, file) { const q = "insert into downloads (name, file, download_count) " + "values('" + name + "', '" + file + "', '0')"; return insert(q); }, /** * * @param id */ removeDownload: function(id) { const q = "delete from downloads where download_id='" + id + "'"; return insert(q); }, /** * Based on the post data submitted by the user this function updates * the information on the post in the database * @param postData * @returns {*|the} */ editPost: function(postData) { const url = postData.edit_name_new.split(" ").join("-").toLowerCase(); console.log(postData); var pinned = ("pinned_checkbox" in postData) == false ? "NULL": "1"; console.log(pinned); const q = "update posts " + "set category_id='" + postData.edit_cat_num + "' " + ",name='" + postData.edit_name_new + "' " + ",url='" + url + "' " + ",picture_url='" + postData.edit_pic + "' " + ",published='" + postData.edit_date + "' " + ",pinned=" + pinned+ " where post_id='" + postData.edit_post_2 + "'"; console.log(q); return insert(q); }, /** * Function which returns a promise which contains the string of the * entire sitemap for the blog. * @returns {Promise|*} */ getSiteMap: function() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const base = "http://jrtechs.net/"; var sm = base + "\n"; var promises = []; module.exports.getCategories().then(function(categories) { categories.forEach(function(cat) { promises.push(new Promise(function(res, rej) { sm += base + "category/" + cat.url + "\n"; module.exports.getPostsFromCategory(cat.url).then(function(posts) { posts.forEach(function(post) { sm += base + cat.url + "/" + post.url + "\n"; }); res() }) })); }); Promise.all(promises).then(function() { resolve(sm); }).catch(function(error) { throw error; }); }); }); }, /** * Logs visited page for backend server analytics. * * @param ip * @param page */ logTraffic: function(ip, page) { if(page.length > 40) { console.log("Error, request too long to log ip:" + ip + " page: " + page); return; } if(ip.length > 20) { ip = ""; } const q = "insert into traffic_log (url, ip, date) values " + "('" + page + "', '" + ip + "', now())"; insert(q); }, getTraffic: function() { return fetch("select * from traffic_log"); } };