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This a very high level review post that I am making for myself and other people taking CS Theory. |
If you want to lean about the theory behind the content in this blog post I recommed looking else where. |
This post will cover how to solve typical problems relating to topics covered by my second CS Theory exam. |
## Myhill-Nerode Theorem |
### Definition |
L is regular if and only if it has a finite index. The index is the maximum number of elements thar are pairwise distibguishable. |
Two strings are said to be pairwise distinguishable if you can append something to both of the strings and it makes one string |
accepted by the language and the other string non-accepting. |
The size of an index set X equals the number of equivalence classes it has. Each element in the language is accepted by only |
one equivalence class. |
### Problem Approach |
Prove that language L is regular. |
1) Define a set X which is infinite in size - this doesn;t necesarrily need to be in the language. |
2) Make a general argument that show that each element in X is pairwise distinguishable. |
Pick any two elements x, y in X and show that if you append z to them one is accepted by the language and |
the other is not in the language. |
### Example |
Prove the following language is non-regular: |
$$ |
L={ww^r | w \in {0,1}^*} |
$$ |
answer: |
1) |
$$ |
X = {(01)^i | i \geq 0} |
$$ |
Pick any 2 elements of X and show pairwise distinguishable |
$$ |
x = (01)^i, y = (01)^j | i \neq j |
$$ |
suppose we pick |
$$ |
z = (10)^i\\ |
xz \in L\\ |
yz \notin L |
$$ |
## DFA minimization algorithm |
Types of Problems: |
- Prove DFA is minimal |
- Minimize the DFA |
The argument for DFA minimization comes from the Myhill-Nerode theorem. Given |
a DFA, if you can form a set of strings which represent each state and they are all |
pairwise distinguishable, then the DFA is minimal with that many states. |
### Prove DFA is minimal |
For these types of problems you simply construct a table and show that each state is pairwise distinguishable. |
To show pairwise distinguishability you have to show that there exists a string where if appened to one element |
makes it accepted by the language but pushes the other string out of the language. |
ex: Prove the following DFA is minimal. |
$$ |
X = {\epsilon, b, bb, ba} |
$$ |
### Minimize the DFA |
## Pumping lemma for regular languages |
## Context-free grammars, closure properties for CFLs |
## Parse trees, ambiguity |
## Chomsky Normal Form |
## Pushdown automata |
## Construction to convert CFG to a PDA |