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Quick review sheet for Dr. Homan's RIT CSCI-331 final. |
# Learning from examples (Ch 18) |
- Supervised learning: where you already know the answers |
- Re-enforcement learning: Learning with rewards |
- Unsupervised: clustering |
![](media/final/learningAgent.PNG) |
## Inductive learning problems |
![](media/final/inductiveLearning.PNG) |
![](media/final/ock.PNG) |
Ockham's razor: Maximize a combination of consistency and simplicity. |
Often times overly complex models that perfectly fit the training data does not generalize well for new data. |
## Decision trees |
Often the most natural way of representing a boolean problem, but, don't often generalize well. |
![](media/final/decisionTree.PNG) |
## Entropy |
Decision trees use entropy to pick which input to branch on first. |
A 50/50 split in data is usually less useful than a 80/20 split in data because the 50/50 split still has more "information" in it. |
We pick the input that minimizes entropy. |
$$ |
entropy = \sum^n_{i = 1} -P_i log_2 P_i |
$$ |
## Neural networks |
Based on human brains. |
McCullon-Pitts |
![](media/final/pitts.PNG) |
Examples of logic functions: |
![](media/final/logicNeurons.PNG) |
### Single Layer Perceptrons |
![](media/final/singleLayer.PNG) |
### Multi-layer Perceptrons |
![](media/final/multiLayer.PNG) |
## Backpropagation |
Way of incrementally adjusting the weights so that the model better fits the training data. |
## SVMs: Support Vector Machine |
- very high dimensions |
- as long as data is sparse, the curse of dimensionality is not an issue |
- By default it assumes you can linearly separate the data if you can use a large amount of dimensions. Sometimes you use something called the kernel trick to distort the space to make the data linearly separable. |
![](media/final/svm.PNG) |
## CNNs: Convolutional neural Networks |
![](media/final/ccn.PNG) |
## LSTMs: Long short term memory |
- Heavily used in natural language processing(NLP). |
![](media/final/lstm.PNG) |
# Probabilistic Learning (Ch. 20) |
## Maximum A Posteriori approximation (MAP) |
You assume the model which is most likely and use that to make your prediction. |
This is approximately equivalent to the Bayseian formula. |
Using the weighted average of the predictions of all the potential models, you make your prediction. |
``` python |
""" |
Equation 20.1 |
P(h_i|d) = gamma * p(d|h_i)p(h_i) |
gamma is 1/P(d) where P(d) is calculated by summing P(h_i|d) |
p(d|h_i) is simply the frequency of that bag in the wild times |
the sum of the observations times their respective distribution |
in the bag. |
""" |
``` |
## Maximum Likelihood approximation (MLE) |
This process has 3 steps: 1: write down expression for the likelihood of the data as a function of the parameters. 2: Write down the derivatives of the log likelihood with respect to each parameter. 3: Find the parameter values such that the derivatives are zero. |
## EM |
Used in k-means clustering. |
# Reinforcement learning (Ch. 21) |
MDP (Markov decision process): Goal is to find an optimal policy. |
Often have to explore the space to learn the reward. |
## Bellman equation |
![](media/final/bellman.png) |
# Logic (Ch 7) |
- knowledge base = set of sentences in a formal language |
- inference engine: domain-independent algorithms |
- declarative approach to logic: tell the agent what it needs to know |
![](media/final/propositional.png) |
- Logics are formal languages for representing information to make conclusions |
- syntax defines the sentences in the language |
- semantics define the meaning |
- A model are formally structured worlds with respect to which truth can be evaluated. |
## Propositional Logic |
- Assumes world contains facts: models evaluate truth values for propositional symbols. |
![](media/final/propLogic.png) |
## Entailment |
- Entailment means that one thing follows from another. |
- KB |= alpha. Knowledge base KB entails sentence "alpha" iff "alpha" is true in all words where KB is true. Ex: x + y = 4 entails 4 = x + y |
- AKA: entailment is a relationship between syntax that is based on meaning |
![](media/final/wumpus.png) |
## Inference |
- Inference: Deriving sentences from other sentences |
- Soundess: derivations produce only entailed sentences |
-Completeness: derivations can produce all entailed sentences |
## Forward chaining |
Forward chaining will find everything that is true in the logic. As a basic idea, this algorithm checks all rules that are satisfied in the knowledge base and add its conclusion to the knowledge base until the query is found. |
## Resolution |
Resolution is sound and complete for propositional logic. |
## First-order logic (Ch #8) |
First-order logic (FOL) like natural languages assumes the world contains objects, relations, functions. Has increased expressiveness power over propositional logic. |