@ -0,0 +1,795 @@ |
A quick review for CSCI-344 (Programming Language Concepts) |
# Ch #1 What are Programming Languages |
## Types |
### Imperative |
Most common type of language |
- Von Neumann (Fortran, Basic, C) |
- Object-oriented (SmallTalk, java) |
- Scripting (perl, python, basic) |
### Declarative |
- Functional (Scheme, ML) |
- Logical (Prolog) |
## Compilation vs Interpretation |
Interpretation is more flexible and gives better diagnostics for debugging. |
Compilation provides better performance. |
Often there is no clear cut difference between compilation and interpretation because many languages like java and python do a mix of the both. |
### Compilation |
### Interpretation |
### Mixed |
### Compilation Overview |
# Ch #2 Parsing |
## Context-Free Grammars |
We use CFGs to produce a parse tree from tokens. |
## LL Grammar |
LL(1) grammar means that it is left right left most derivation parsing with one token look ahead. |
In practice we would use a stack to keep track what we expect to see. |
In this approach we would build the tree top down. |
The LL parsing algorithm uses FIRST/FOLLOW/PREDICT tables. |
Ex grammar: |
## LR Grammar |
LR (Left to right right most derivation) builds the tree bottom up and is almost always table driven. |
## Scanning |
A scanner is responsible for tokenizing the source, removing comments, saving text of identifiers, and saving line locations for error messages. |
A scanner is most naturally represented as a DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton). |
# Ch #10 Object Oriented |
Three major OO Components: |
- Encapsulation |
- Inheritance |
- Dynamic method binding |
Strict terms for OO lang: everything is an object, inheritance, dynamic method binding. |
Since java has primitives, it is not a true OO language. |
## Small Talk |
Started as a thesis project in the 1960's, has been noted as being one of the best OO language historically. |
Basic coding examples on class-inheritance and constructors may be on exam. |
### Syntax |
Excessively uses parenthesis. |
Method calls are in the form: (function:: object parameter1 parameter 2). |
NOTICE: the colons in the function name represents how many parameters it has. |
Also, there are no commas between parameters. |
Basic example class. |
```scheme |
(class Shape Object |
(perimeter area) ; class-level parameters |
;constructor |
(class-method initalize::shape (per ar) |
(init::shape (new self) per ar) |
) |
(method init::shape (per ar) |
(setPerimeter: self per) |
(setArea: self ar) |
self |
) |
(method getPerimeter () |
perimeter |
) |
(method getArea () |
area |
) |
(method setArea: (a) |
(set area a) |
) |
(method setPerimeter: (p) |
(set perimeter p) |
) |
) |
(val shape1 (initalize::shape Shape 12 5)) |
; area |
(getArea shape1) |
(setArea: shape1 88) |
(getArea shape1) |
``` |
Example with inheritance: |
```scheme |
(class Circle Shape |
(radius) |
(class-method initalize:circle (rad) |
(init:circle (new self) rad) |
) |
(method init:circle (rad) |
(setRadius: self rad) |
self |
) |
(method setRadius: (rad) |
(set radius rad) |
(setArea: self (computeArea self)) |
(setPerimeter: self (computePerimeter self)) |
) |
(method getRadius () |
radius |
) |
(method computeArea () |
(* |
(asFloat (/ 22 7)) |
(asFloat (squared radius)) |
) |
) |
(method computePerimeter () |
(* |
(asFloat 2) |
(* |
(asFloat (/ 22 7)) |
(asFloat radius) |
) |
) |
) |
) |
(val circle1 (initalize:circle Circle 5)) |
(getRadius circle1) |
(getArea circle1) |
(getPerimeter circle1) |
(setRadius: circle1 6) |
(getRadius circle1) |
(getArea circle1) |
(getPerimeter circle1) |
``` |
# Ch #3: Name, Scope, and Binding |
A name is a identifier. A binding links a name to an item. |
Scope is simply when a binding is active. |
# Binding |
Binding typically happens at two times: |
- Static: before run time |
- Dynamic: at run time. |
The earlier the binding the greater efficiency you have. The later the binding the greater flexibility you have. |
Static scope rules use the structure of the program. |
Dynamic scope rules depends on the current state of the program so, the function call sequences can change which bindings are active. |
# Lifetime |
Key events: |
- creation of object |
- creation of binding |
- references to variables (uses binding) |
- deactivation of binding (leave function stack) |
- reactivation of bindings |
- destruction of bindings |
- destruction of object |
If object out lives its binding it's garbage. |
If binding out lives its object it's a dangling reference. |
# Ch #4 Semantic Analysis |
The role of semantic analysis is to enforce semantic rules and generate a syntax tree(decorate the parse tree). |
To do this we use a attribute grammar. |
ex attribute grammar: |
## S-Grammar: |
Only uses synthesized attributes: the grammar above. |
## L-Grammar: |
A l attribute depends on things above them or besides them in the parse tree. |
## Action Routines |
Functions used to interleave the parser. |
# Ch #11: Functional Programming |
Examples: |
- Lisp |
- Scheme |
- FP |
- ML |
- Haskell |
Key Ideas: |
- everything is done by composing functions |
- no mutable state |
- no side effects |
- just produces a answer/result |
Necessary Features: |
- first class and high-order functions (takes in/returns functions) |
- polymorphism |
- powerful list functionality |
- structured function returns |
- fully general aggregates |
- garbage collection |
Since there is no state, it heavily relies on recursion to replace iteration. |
## Scheme |
Not purely functional because it has some imperative stuff like assignment, I/O, sequencing and IO |
Scheme scopes: |
- let: calculates all RHS and then assign, can't use prior ones |
- let*: evaluates and then assigns |
- letrec: evaluates and then assign, this will loop back to fill in missing pieces as they are declared |
### Scheme Examples: |
Note: cdr is tail of list and car is the first element in the list. |
```scheme |
; Computes length of list |
(define (length lst) |
(if (null? lst) |
0 |
(+ |
1 |
(length (cdr lst)) |
) |
) |
) |
; determines if something is in the list |
; returns: |
; 1 if true(in list) |
; 0 if not in list |
(define (inList lst n) |
(if (null? lst) |
0 |
(if (= n (car lst)) |
1 |
(inList (cdr lst) n) |
) |
) |
) |
; finds the sum of the list |
(define (sumList lst) |
(if (null? lst) |
0 ; empty list |
(+ |
(car lst) |
(sumList (cdr lst)) |
) |
) |
) |
``` |
# Ch #6: Control Flow |
Types of iteration: |
- Sequencing: specifies a linear ordering on statements |
- Selection: selects a section of code ie: if statements |
- Iteration: for loops, iterates over a well-defined set |
- Concurrency |
- Exception Handling |
- Non-determinacy |
Orthogonality: feature can be used in any combination and the meaning is consistent. |
# Ch #7: Data Types |
Data types are a collection of values from a "domain". |
Data types specify the structure of the data and a collection of well-defined operations you can perform on that type. |
Data types are useful for implicit context and so that we can avoid meaningless operations. |
Strong typing is when language prevents on data that is not appropriate. |
Static typing is strong typing that the compiler can do. |
Orthogonality: no restriction on how a collection of features can be combined: like python lists. |
## Type Systems |
A type system has rules for the following: |
- type equivalence |
- type compatibility: can type A be used in context of type B |
- type inference: type of expression given its operands types |
## Type Checking |
Two major types: |
- Structural Equivalence: based on memory layout to determine if same -- can result in unintended equivalencies |
- Name equivalence: based on declaration type -- most common |
## Coercion |
When an expression of one type is used in the context of another. Implicit coercion is when the language does it. |
Explicit is when the programmer does it (Casting). |
# Ch #12: Logical Programming |
Logical programming is based on predicate calculus. |
Important concepts: |
- Axioms: facts assumed true in knowledge base |
- Theorems: things that are provably true |
- Hypotheses: things or queries we would like to prove |
- ATOM is a constant like a number |
Within logical languages, statements can be written many ways. |
Logical languages are good for people but bad for people. |
Prolog uses backwards chaining to prove things true mathematically. |
A horn clause contains a HEAD and a BODY, sll statements must be in this term. The head is a single term, but, the body can be a list of terms. |
## Prolog Ex |
```Prolog |
path(b, f, 6). |
path(g, f, 3). |
path(e, g, 2). |
path(h, g, 4). |
% makes paths bi-directional |
biPath(A, B, Y) :- path(A, B, Y). |
biPath(A, B, Y) :- path(B, A, Y). |
% X is starting point |
% Y is ending point |
% P is a list of the points on the final path if one exists |
% N is the distance between X and Y if one exists |
% rule for terminal |
solveV(X, X, [X], 0, V). |
% recursively build out path |
solveV(A, B, [A|P], N, V) :- biPath(A, C, CC), |
\+member(C, V), |
solveV(C, B, P, CCC, [C|V]), |
N is CC + CCC. |
% expand given definition to helper function |
solve(A, B, P, N) :- solveV(A, B, P, N, [A]). |
% ex test runs in interpreter |
solve(h, c, P, N). |
solve(a, e, P, N). |
solve(g, c, P, N). |
solve(a, a, P, N). |
solve(g, h, P, N). |
``` |
# Ch #8: Composite Types |
Types: |
- Records (Structures) |
- Arrays |
- Strings |
- Pointers |
- Lists |
- File I/O |
## Garbage Collection |
Problem with reference counter for garbage collection: |
Mark and Sweep solution: |
- Garbage collector walks heap basically marks everything as useless |
- starts at outside pointers marking everything it can get to as useful |
-walks the heap again placing useless items in the free queue. |
## Pointers |
### Tombstones |
Costly way of dealing with pointers references. |
This will create an additional object to maintain the pointer. |
### Lock and Keys |
Makes sure that pointers and pointe contains the same lock value before you dereference the object. |
Note: this does not prevent attempting to use memory outside of your block resulting in a seg fault. |
# Ch #13: Erlang |
Approaches to parallel programming: |
- Synchronized access to shared memory |
- Message passing between processes (slower) |
Race conditions are whe the result depends on the order of the thread actions. |
Usually due to bad synchronization but, not always bad. |
Synchronization ensures that events in different processes happen in a desired order. |
Mutual exclusion: only one can access at a time. |
Condition synchronization: wait until some condition is true. |
Spin lock - busy-wait mutual exclusion, they waste processing cycles. Semaphores: widely used and uses a scheduler-based methods. |
Monitors are used to note who is in a critical region. |
## Erlang |
Syntax of erlang is very similar to prolog with its pattern matching. |
Erlang relies on message passing for concurrency. |
Each process contains a "mailbox" where it can receive messages from. |
You process by listening for a message of a specific format: ie you can choose to ignore certain messages for a period of time. |
### Examples |
```Erlang |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
%%% @author Jeffery Russell |
%%% @doc |
%%% PLC assignment 4 |
%%% @end |
%%% Created : 16. Nov 2019 |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-module(prog4). |
-author("jeff"). |
%% API |
-export([start/0, bank/0, client/0]). |
% helper function to spawn a specific amount |
% of clients |
spawn_client(N) when N >= 1 -> |
io:fwrite("Spawning a client\n"), |
spawn(prog4, client, []), |
spawn_client(N -1); |
spawn_client(_) -> |
io:fwrite("Spawned all clients\n"). |
% start with random account balance between 2k-3k |
% receives message {clientid, number} |
% negatives removes from bank, positives add |
% returns {<client_id>, balance} |
bank() -> |
Balance = rand:uniform(1000) + 1999, |
io:format("Bank balance starting at: ~w~n", [Balance]), |
Client_count = rand:uniform(7) + 2, |
Client_left = 1, |
spawn_client(Client_count), |
loop(Balance, Client_count, Client_left). |
% main bank loop which listens for messages and |
% processes them |
loop(Balance, Client_count, Client_left) -> |
receive |
%io:format("Bank now has ~w", [balance]) |
{CLIENT_ID, balance} -> |
io:fwrite("~w Requested Balance from the bank\n", [CLIENT_ID]), |
CLIENT_ID ! {Balance}, |
loop(Balance, Client_count, Client_left); |
if |
Balance + NUMBER >= 0 -> |
CLIENT_ID ! {NUMBER, Balance + NUMBER, successful}, |
loop(Balance + NUMBER, Client_count, Client_left); |
true -> |
CLIENT_ID ! {NUMBER, Balance, failed}, |
loop(Balance, Client_count, Client_left) |
end; |
goodbye -> |
if |
Client_left == Client_count -> |
io:format("Bank is closing with balance ~w`\n", [Balance]); |
true -> |
loop(Balance, Client_count, Client_left + 1) |
end |
end. |
% helper function to fetch and print balance of the bank |
client_fetch_balance() -> |
bank_pid ! {self(), balance}, |
receive |
{Balance} -> |
io:format("~w recieved the balance of ~w from the bank~n", [self(), Balance]) |
end. |
% client process loop |
% if loop is increment of 5, it requests balance of bank |
% withdraws a random amount of money from mank |
% and prints the bank's response |
% after each withdrawl, it will sleep |
client_loop(LoopUntil, CurrentIndex) -> |
if |
CurrentIndex rem 5 == 0 -> |
client_fetch_balance(); |
true -> pass |
end, |
if |
LoopUntil == CurrentIndex -> |
bank_pid ! goodbye, |
io:format("~w Client Finished\n", [self()]); |
true -> |
bank_pid ! {self(), 100-rand:uniform(199) }, |
receive |
{Amount, Balance, Suc} -> |
io:format("~w recieved the balance of ~w from the bank after a ~w transation request of ~w~n", [self(), Balance, Suc, Amount]) |
end, |
timer:sleep(rand:uniform(1000) + 499), |
client_loop(LoopUntil, CurrentIndex + 1) |
end. |
% creates random amount of clients |
client() -> |
Nums = rand:uniform(10) + 9, |
client_loop(Nums, 0). |
% spawns the bank |
start() -> |
register(bank_pid, spawn(prog4, bank, [])). |
``` |
# Ch #14: Scripting Languages |
Common Characteristics: |
- both batch and interactive use |
- easy to write high level expressions |
- simple scoping rules |
- flexible dynamic typing |
- easy access to other programs |
- sophisticated pattern matching and string manipulation |
- high level data types |
Often used to glue together other programs. |
Need to know bash on the exam. |
## Bash |
### Shall Parameters |
- "$#" is the number of parameters passed |
- "$0" is name of the script and its location in filesystem |
- "$1" is the first command line parameter. Goes up till 9 |
- "$*" single word of all the parameters |
- "$@" array of all the parameters |
ex: |
```bash |
if [ $# -eq 3 ]; |
then |
if [ -f $1 ] |
then |
if [ -f $2 ] |
then |
encode_message $1 $2 $3 |
else |
echo "File $2 does not exist" |
fi |
else |
echo "File $1 does not exist" |
fi |
else |
echo "Usage:" |
echo " encoder.sh <plane_text_file> <secret_key_file> <encoded_file>" |
fi |
``` |
### Files |
```bash |
while read line || [ -n "$line" ]; |
do |
for word in $line |
do |
echo "$word" |
done |
done < "$1" |
``` |
### Comparisons |
Numbers: |
- "-eq" equal |
- "-ge" greater than or equal |
- "-le" less than or equal |
- "-ne" not equal |
- "-gt" greater |
- "-lt" less |
ex: |
```bash |
[n1 -eq n2] |
``` |
Strings: |
- "=" equal |
- "!=" not equal |
- "-n" length is greater than zero |
- "-z" length is equal to zero |
ex: |
``` |
[ s1 - s2 ] |
[ -n s1 ] |
``` |
Files: |
- "-d" path is a directory |
- "-f" is a file |
- "-e" file name exists |
- "-r" check of read permission |
- "-s" file has length greater than 0 |
- "-w" write permission |
- "-x" execution permission |
ex: |
```bash |
[ -d fname ] |
``` |
### Control Flow |
#### If Statements |
```bash |
if [ expression ]; |
then |
statements |
elif [ expression ]; |
then |
statements |
else |
statements |
fi |
``` |
#### Switch Statements |
```bash |
case $var in |
val1) |
statements |
;; |
val2) |
statements |
;; |
*) |
statements |
;; |
esac |
``` |
### Math |
To do math you math like this: |
```bash |
echo "$((124+23))" |
# or like this: |
VALOR=$[124+23] |
# or with let |
let X=124+23 |
``` |
### Functions |
Functions exist in bash. |
```bash |
#!/bin/bash |
hello() |
{ |
echo "Woeie" |
} |
hello # no parenthesis needed when calling |
# you can also declare functions with the keyword |
function check() |
{ |
return 42 |
} |
``` |