@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ |
It is not uncommon for me to get exuberantly excited over a open source |
project that I stumble upon, however, Jupyter Lab has taken the |
cake this month. The Jypyter project is an open-source community |
that extended IPython notebook project to the web browser and added |
support for multiple languages. |
# Why Notebooks? |
As a researcher and educator I love notebooks because they enable |
you to easily share your code with others. Notebooks are much more |
interactive than simply sharing source code because you can |
mix text(markdown), code, and outputs from code execution. For classes and |
when working, this makes it very easy to generate quick reports. |
You can simply write a document that auto generates the graphs and figures |
you want to talk about in your document. |
Last week I worked on a computer vision assignment that required me to |
use Open CV to manipulate images using filters, convolutions, etc. |
The entirety of the assignment required me to produce roughly 30 images. |
A majority of the class wrote python scripts and threw each image they |
generated into a massive word document and typed up their |
analysis and submitted their assignment as a PDF along side a bunch of |
python scripts. There is nothing wrong with doing that; however, what |
happens if at the end of the assignment you realized that you were |
generating Gaussian filters incorrectly? If you wrote everything in |
a Jupyter notebook you would just have to fix the dubious code and |
re-run the notebook and it would produce your report in its entirety. |
But, if you had your scripts as separate files you would have to fix your |
code and then go through and generate a dozen new images that required |
Gaussian filters and place them in your document. |
The ability to accurately reproduce your report is pinnacle to making |
research more verifiable and reproducible. This is something that the |
R and open-science communities heavily focus on. Directly mixing your |
code and analysis with your report is very useful. Also, consider if the |
data that you are working with changes half way through writing your |
research report. With a notebook, you would just have to re-run the |
notebook where if you had the report as a separate word or Latex file, |
you now run the risk of misreporting your results. |
# Jupyter Notebook |
# Jupyter Lab |
# Running and Installing |
# Running for remote use |
Imagine that you are running an old computer and you simply want your |
code to run on a remote computer that has a beefie GPU for ML. |
With Jupyter Lab or Notebook you can do that, but, it takes a little |
trickery. The easiest solution that I found involves using a reverse |
SSH proxy. |
The first thing that you want to do is set up a password so that you |
can connect to the jupyter lab instance using a password rather than using |
a authentication key which gets hidden in the terminal. |
```bash |
jupyter notebook password |
``` |
** note ** the password that you set is configured in the same config used by both jupyter lab and jupyter notebook. |
The next thing you should do is run the jupyter lab instance on the port that you want it to listen to. |
```bash |
jupyter lab --no-browser --port=6000 |
``` |
The "--no-browser" will prevent jupyter from opening in your default web browser. |
The next step is to do a local SSH port forward on your machine |
so you can access the jupyter instance on the remote server. |
The benefit of doing this is that you can get behind firewalls and that |
all your traffic is encrypted. |
The image above comes from my presentation on "[Everything SSH](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/teaching-ssh-through-a-ctf)". |
The essence of the command bellow is that you will forward all |
connections on your machines to port 6000 to a remote's servers connection to localhost:6000. |
```bash |
ssh -L 6000:localhost:6000 user@some-remote-host.rit.edu |
``` |
After you run that command you can access the jupyter lab instance |
by opening your favorite web client and going to localhost:6000. |
Typing that command every time is tedious so I recommend that you |
allias it in your shells config file. |
```bash |
alias jj="ssh -L 6000:localhost:6000 user@some-remote-host.rit.edu" |
``` |
Now all you have to type in your command prompt is jj to connect to |
your remote jupyter server. Neat. |
But, what if your roommate trips and your server gets restarted? Well, |
you can write a systemd script to automatically start your jupyter |
server when the computer boots. This is what my system d script looks like. |
```bash |
# location /lib/systemd/system |
# |
# After file creation run: systemctl daemon-reload |
# enable service on start up: systemctl enable jupyter-lab |
# start the service: systemctl start jupyter-lab |
[Unit] |
Description=Script to start jupyter lab |
Documentation=https://jrtechs.net |
After=network.target |
[Service] |
Type=simple |
User=jeff |
WorkingDirectory=/home/jeff/Documents/school/csci-431/ |
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jupyter lab --no-browser --port=6969 |
Restart=on-failure |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
``` |
You want to set the working directory to be the location where your jupyter notebooks are stored. |
You also want to make sure that you specify the absolute path to the jupyter binary in the execstart parameter. You can find that using the which command: |
```bash |
which jupyter |
``` |