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CSCI-331 Intro to Artificial Intelligence exam 1 review. |
# Chapter 1 What is AI |
## Thinking vs Acting |
## Rational Vs. Human like |
Acting rational is doing the right thing given what you know. |
Thinking rationality: |
- Law of though approach -- thinking is all logic driven |
- Neuroscience -- how brains process information |
- Cognitive Science -- information-processing psychology prevailing orthodoxy of hehaviorism |
# Chapter 2 Intelligent Agents |
An agent is anything that can view environment through sensors and act with actuators. |
A rational agent is one that does the right thing. |
![Simple Agent](media/exam1/agent.png) |
## PEAS |
PEAS is an acronym for defining a task environment |
### Performance Measure |
Measure of how well agent is performing. |
Ex: safe, fast, legal, profits, time, etc. |
### Environment |
Place in which the agent is acting. |
Ex: Roads, pedestrians, online, etc. |
### Actuators |
Way in which agent acts. |
Ex: steering, signal, jump, walk, turn, etc. |
### Sensors |
Way which the agent can see the environment. |
Ex: Cameras, speedometer, GPS, sonar, etc. |
## Environment Properties (y/n) |
### Observable |
Full observable if agent has access to complete state of environment at any given time. |
Partially observable if agent can only see part of environment. |
### Deterministic |
If the next state of environment is completely determined by current state it is **deterministic**, otherwise it is **stochastic**. |
### Episodic |
If agents current actions does not affect the next problem/performance then it is **episodic**, otherwise it is **sequential** |
### Static |
If environment changes while agent is deliberating it is **dynamic** otherwise it is **static**. |
### Discrete |
If there are a finite number of states in the environment it is **discrete** otherwise it is **continuous**. |
### Single-Agent |
Only one agent in environment like solving a crossword puzzle. A game of chess would be **multi-agent. |
## Agent Types |
### Simple Reflex |
Simply responds to a given input based on a action rule set. |
![Reflex agent](media/exam1/reflexAgent.png) |
### Reflex with state |
Understands to some extend how the world evolves. |
![Reflex with State](media/exam1/reflexWithState.png) |
### Goal-based |
![Goal Based](media/exam1/goalBased.png) |
### Utility-based |
![Goal Based](media/exam1/utilityBased.png) |
### Learning |
![Goal Based](media/exam1/learningAgent.png) |
# Chapter 3 Problem Solving Agents |
## Problem Formulation |
Process of deciding what actions and states to consider, given a goal. |
### Initial State |
The state that the agent starts in. |
### Successor Function |
A description of the actions available to the agent. |
### Goal Test |
Determines whether a given state is the goal. |
### Path Cost (Additive) |
A function that assigns a numerical cost to each path. The step cost is the number of actions required. |
## Problem Types |
### Deterministic, fully observable => single-state problem |
Agent knows exactly which state it will be in; solution is a sequence. |
### Non-observable => conformant problem |
Agent may have no idea where it is; solution (if any) is a sequence |
### Non-deterministic and/or partially observable => Contingency problem |
- Percepts provide new information about current state |
- solution is a contingent plan or a policy |
- often interleave search, execution |
### Unknown state space => exploration problem |
Exploration problem |
# Chapter 3 Graph and tree search for single-state problems |
## Uniformed |
AKA blind search. |
All they can do is generate successors and distinguish a goal state from a non-goal state; |
they have no knowledge of what paths are more likely to bring them to a solution. |
![Criterion summary table](media/exam1/uninformedSearches.png) |
### Breadth-first |
General graph-search algo where shallowest unexpanded node is chosen first for expansion. |
This is implemented by using a FIFO queue for the frontier. |
The solution will be ideal if the path cost between each node is equal. |
![Breadth first algo](media/exam1/breadthFirstAlgo.png) |
### Depth-first |
You expand the deepest unexpanded node first. |
Implementation: the fringe is a LIFO queue. |
#### Depth Limited Search |
To avoid an infinite search space, depth limited search provides a max depth that the search algo is willing to traverse. |
![Depth limited search](media/exam1/depthLimited.png) |
### Uniform-cost |
Instead of expanding shallowest nodes, **uniform-cost search** expands the node *n* with lowest path cost: g(n). |
Implementation: priority queue ordered by *g*. |
![Uniform cost search](media/exam1/uniformCostSearch.png) |
## Informed |
Using problem-specific knowledge, applies an informed search strategy which is often more efficient than uninformed strategies. |
### Greed best-fit |
Tries to expand node that is closest to goal. It evaluates each node by the heuristic function: |
$$ |
f(n) = h(n) |
$$ |
A common heuristic used is the euclidean distance (straight line distance) to the solution. |
Note: this search method can be incomplete since it can still get caught in infinite loops if you don't use a graph search method or implement an max depth. |
### A* |
Regarded as the best best-first search algo. |
Combines heuristic distance estimate with actual cost. |
$$ |
f(n) = g(n) + h(n) |
$$ |
*g* gives the cost of getting from the start node to the current node. |
In order for this to give optimal cost, *h* must be an **admissible heuristic**: an heuristic which never overestimates the cost to reach the goal. |
- Complete?? no |
- Time?? $O(b^{d + 1})$ same as breadth first search but usually faster |
- Space?? $O(b^{d + 1})$ keeps every node in memory |
- Optimal?? Only if the heuristic is admissible. |
## Evaluation |
### Branching factor |
### Depth of least-cost solution |
### Maximum depth of tree |
### Completeness |
Is the algo guaranteed to fina a solution if there is one. |
### Optimality |
Will the strategy find the optimal solution. |
### Space complexity |
How much memory is required to perform the search. |
### Time complexity |
How long does it take to find the solution. |
## Heuristics |
A heuristic function *h(n)* estimates the cost of a solution beginning from the state at node *n*. |
### Admissibility |
These heuristics can be derived from a relaxed version of a problem. |
Heuristic must never overestimate the cost to reach the goal. |
### Dominance |
If one heuristic is greater than another for all states *n*, then it dominates the other. |
Typically dominating heuristics are better for the search. |
You can form a new dominating admissible heuristic by taking the max of two other admissible heuristics. |
# Chapter 4 Iterative Improvement |
Optimization problem where the path is irrelevant, the goal state is the solution. |
Rather than searching through all possible solutions, iterative improvement takes the current state and tries to improve it. |
Since the solution space is super large, it is often not possible to try every possible combination. |
## Hill Climbing |
Basic algorithm which continually moves in the direction of increasing value. |
![Hill Climbing Graph](media/exam1/hillClimbing.png) |
![Hill Climbing Algo](media/exam1/hillClimbingAlgo.png) |
To avoid finding a local maximum several methods can be employed: |
- Random-restart hill climbing |
- Random sideways move -- escapes from shoulders loop on flat maxima. |
## Simulated annealing |
Idea: escape local maxima by allowing some bad moves but gradually decrease their size and frequency. |
This is similar to gradient descent. |
Idea comes from making glass where you start very hot and then slowely cool down the temperature. |
## Beam Search |
Idea: keep k states instead of 1; choose top k of their successors. |
Problem: quite often all k states end up on same local hill. This can somewhat be overcome by randomly choosing k states but, favoring the good ones. |
## Genetic Algorithms |
Inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. |
The algorithm is an extension of local beam search with cuccessors generated from pairs of individuals rather than a successor function. |
![GA overview](media/exam1/gaOverview.png) |
![Genetic Algorithm Pseudo Code](media/exam1/gaAlgo.png) |
# Chapter 5 Game Theory |
## Minimax |
Algorithm to determine perfect play for deterministic, perfect information games. |
Idea: assume opponent is also a rational agent, you choose to make the choice which is the best achievable payoff against the opponents best play. |
![Minimax](media/exam1/miniMax.png) |
![Minimax algo](media/exam1/miniMaxAlgo.png) |
### Properties |
- complete: yes if tree is finite |
- optimal: yes, against an optimal opponent |
- Time complexity: $O(B^m)$ |
- Space Complexity: $O(bm)$ depth-first exploration |
This makes a game of chess with a branch factor of 35 and estimated moves around 100 totally infeasible: 35^100! |
## α-β pruning |
Idea: prune paths which will not yield a better solution that one already found. |
The pruning does not affect the final result. |
Good move exploration ordering will improve the effectiveness of pruning. |
With perfect ordering, time complexity is: $O^{\frac{m}{2}}$. |
This doubles our solvable depth, but, still infeasible for chess. |
![Alpha Beta Search Tree](media/exam1/alphaBetaTree.png) |
![Alpha Beta Algo](media/exam1/alphaBetaAlgo.png) |
## Resource limits |
Due to constraint, we typically use the **Cutoff-test** rather than the **terminal-test**. |
The terminal test requires us to explore all nodes in the mini-max search. |
The cutoff test branches out to a certain depth and then applies a evaluation function to determine the desirability of a position. |
## Randomness/ Nondeterministic games |
Often times games involve chance such as a coin flip or a dice roll. |
You can modify the mini-max tree to branch with each probability and take the average of evaluating each branch. |
![Non Deterministic game](media/exam1/nonDeterministicTree.png) |