- <iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_MFGx8d1zl0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- Although the movie *I Robot* has not aged well, it still brings up some interesting ethical questions
- that we are still discussing concerning self driving cars. The protagonist Detective Spooner
- has an almost unhealthy amount of distrust towards
- robots. In the movie, a robot decided to save Spooner's life over a 12 year old girl in a car accident.
- This ignites the famous ethical debate of the trolley problem, but, now with artificial intelligence.
- The debate boils down to this: are machines capable of making moral decisions. The
- surface level answer from the movie is presented as **no** when Spooner's presents car crash antidote.
- This question parallels the discussion that we are currently having with self driving cars.
- When a self driving car is presented with two options which result in the loss of life,
- what should it choose?
- <iframe width="100%" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ixIoDYVfKA0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
- When surveyed, most people say that they would prefer to have self driving cars take the utilitarian
- approach towards the trolley problem. A utilitarian approach would try to minimize the
- total amount of harm. MIT made a neat [website](http://moralmachine.mit.edu/) where it presents you with a
- bunch of "trolley problems" where you have to decide who dies. At the end of the survey the
- website presents you with a list of observed preferences you made when deciding who's life was more important to save.
- The purpose of the trolley problem is merely to ponder what decision a self driving car
- should make when **all** of its alternatives are depleted.
- We still need to question whether
- utilitarianism is the right moral engine for self driving cars. Would it be ethical
- for a car to take into account
- you age, race, gender, and social status when deciding if you get to live?
- If self driving cars could access personal information such as criminal history or known friends, would it
- be ethical to use that information? Would it be moral for
- someone to make a car which favored the safety of the passengers of the car above
- others?
- Even though most people want self driving cars to use utilitarianism, most people surveyed also responded
- that they would not buy a car which did not have their safety as its top priority.
- This brings up a serious social dilemma. If people want everyone else's cars to be utilitarians,
- yet, have their own cars be greedy and favor their safety, we would see none of the utilitarian improvements. This
- presented us with the tragedy of the commons problem since everyone would favor their own
- safety and nobody would sacrifice their safety for the public good. This brings up yet another question:
- would it be fair to ask someone to sacrifice their safety in this way?
- In most cases, when a tragedy of the commons situation is presented, government intervention is
- the most piratical solution. It might be the best to have the government
- mandate that all cars try to maximize the amount of life saved when a car is presented with the
- trolley problem. Despite appearing to be a good solution, the flaw in this does not become apparent before you us
- consequentialism to examine this problem.
- Self driving cars are expected to reduce car accidents by 90% by eliminating human error. If people
- decide to not use self driving cars due to the utilitarian moral engine, we run the
- risk of actually loosing more lives. Some people have actually argued that since
- artificial intelligence is incapable of making moral decisions, they should take
- no action at all when there is a situation which will always results in the loss of life.
- In the frame of the trolley problem,
- it is best for the artificial intelligence to not pull the lever. I will argue that
- it is best for self driving cars to not make ethical
- decisions because, it would result in the highest adoption rate of self driving cars. This would end up
- saving the most lives in the long run. Plus, the likelihood that a car is actually presented with
- a trolley problem is pretty slim.
- The discussion over the moral decisions a car has to make is almost fruitless. It turns out
- that humans are not even good at making moral decisions in emergency situations. When we make rash decisions
- influenced by anxiety, we are heavily influenced by prejudices and self motives. Despite our own shortcomings when it
- comes to decision making, that does not mean that we can not do better with self driving cars. However,
- we need to realize that it is the mass adoption of self driving cars which will save the most lives, not
- the moral engine which we program the cars with. We can not let the moral engine of the self driving
- cars get in the way of adoption.
- The conclusion that I made parallels Spooner's problem with robots in the movie *I Robot*. Spooner was so mad at the robots for
- saving his own life rather than the girl's, he never realized that if it was not for the robots, neither of them would
- have survived that car crash. Does that mean we can't do better than not pulling the lever? Well... not exactly.
- Near the end of the movie a robot was presented with another trolley problem, but, this time he managed to
- find a way which saved both parties. Without reading into this movie too deep, this illustrates how the early
- adoption of artificial intelligence ended up saving tons of lives like Spooners. It is only when the technology fully develops
- is when we can start to avoid the trolley problem completely.