Personal blog written from scratch using Node.js, Bootstrap, and MySQL.

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  1. Inspired by [Justin Flory]( and [Dan
  2. Schneiderman](, I decided to make a 2018
  3. review post. I believe that it would be a good way to reflect upon
  4. what I did in 2018 and make plans for 2019. This post will be a very
  5. high level overview of the projects and activities that I did in 2018
  6. -- nothing personal. Pictures say a thousand words, so, I will include
  7. a lot.
  8. # January:
  9. **Eagle Ceremony**
  10. ![Eagle Ceremony Picture](media/2018-review/EagleCeremony.jpg)
  11. **Started Second Semester of College**
  12. Classes:
  13. - Mechanics of Programming
  14. - Statistics
  15. - Discrete Math
  16. - Communications
  17. - Moral Issues
  18. **Brick hack 4**
  19. ![Sleep Deprived me at BrickHack 4](media/2018-review/BrickHack.jpg)
  20. # February:
  21. **RIT Career Fair**
  22. ![Overview Picture of the Career Fair](media/2018-review/CareerFaire.jpg)
  23. **Build my Blog in Node.js**
  24. ![What original website looked like](media/2018-review/newWebsite.png)
  25. # March:
  26. **Upgrading Floppy Drive Project**
  27. ![Floppy drive project under construction](media/2018-review/FloppyDiveProject.jpg)
  28. **Designed Website for Hoffends**
  29. ![Hoffends Website](media/2018-review/hoffends.png)
  30. # April:
  31. **Imagine RIT**
  32. ![RITlug imagine rit table](media/2018-review/ImagineRIT.jpg)
  33. ![RITlug imagine rit table](media/2018-review/ImagineRIT2.jpg)
  34. # May:
  35. **End of Second Semester**
  36. ![RIT Tiger during the summer](media/2018-review/RITSummer.jpg)
  37. **Started SSA Research Job**
  38. ![Erie cannale](media/2018-review/RITSummer2.jpg)
  39. # June:
  40. **Steam Graph Project**
  41. <youtube src="DoDaHmyIPvQ" />
  42. ![Steam graph project example showing 3 friend clusters](media/2018-review/steamGraph.png)
  43. # July
  44. **Summer!**
  45. <youtube src="t7s2alt0sQ8" />
  46. ![Taughannock Falls](media/2018-review/TaughannockFalls.jpg)
  47. ![Erie cannale](media/2018-review/BikeRide2.jpg)
  48. **Updated UI for the Blog**
  49. ![New theme of website](media/2018-review/newTheme.png)
  50. # August:
  51. **Presented at RIT's Undergraduate Research Symposium**
  52. ![Poster at the undergraduate research symposium](media/2018-review/researchSymposium.jpg)
  53. **Second Year of College**
  54. First year on the Eboard of RITlug as Vice President.
  55. Classes:
  56. - Linear Algebra
  57. - Analysis Of Algorithms
  58. - CS Theory
  59. - SWEN
  60. - Public Policy
  61. # September:
  62. **End of Summer :(**
  63. ![Biking path](media/2018-review/BikeRides.jpg)
  64. # October:
  65. **Hacktoberfest**
  66. ![Github hacktoberfest colors](media/2018-review/halloween.png)
  67. # November:
  68. **Foss [Election Night Hackathon](**
  69. ![FOSS Election Night Hackathon](media/2018-review/electionNightHackathon.jpg)
  70. **Rochester Maker Fair**
  71. ![RITlug booth at the maker faire](media/2018-review/makerFaire.jpg)
  72. # December:
  73. **End of Fall Semester**
  74. ![Biking path](media/2018-review/RITSnow.jpg)