Personal blog written from scratch using Node.js, Bootstrap, and MySQL.

37 lines
816 B

  1. ```
  2. @echo off
  3. color a
  4. title server Name
  6. :startServer
  7. echo starting server
  8. echo (%time%)
  9. java -Xmx1024M -jar caftbukkit.jar -o true
  11. echo (%time%) WARNING: Minecraft server closed or crashed, restarting
  12. ping -n 5
  13. goto startServer
  14. ```
  15. This batch script great for Minecraft servers which frequently crash – for
  16. whatever reason. If you want to learn more about how this script works I would
  17. recommend that you look up a batch tutorial online. This script is just a big
  18. loop which restarts whenever the server crashes. If you like to use this, just
  19. copy and paste it into a batch file (ends with .bat) and make sure that it is in
  20. the same directory as your Minecraft server. Also, the “craftbukkit.jar” should
  21. be the name of the jar file that you use to run your server.
  22. Happy mining.