- It is fun to find an interesting use for old technology. Being someone who has
- tons of old floppy drives and loves music, I decided to turn my old floppy
- drives into an orchestra. I’m not sure where I first learned about musical
- floppy drives, however, there are thousands of videos on YouTube.
- This project first started over a year ago when I connected two floppy drives to
- a Raspberry Pi to play the Star Wars theme.
- <youtube src="wcnUvPMpqjA" />
- Although this was fun, there was hardly any software for playing different music
- on the Raspberry Pi. I managed to hack the software to also play Jingle Bells,
- however, that took hours to input just a single song.
- A half a year ago I got an Arduino board and built a new and improved floppy
- drive orchestra.
- <youtube src="qwbcrR-6dTU" />
- What is nice about using an Arduino, is that the software used is more
- developed. Unlike the program I used with the Raspberry Pi, the software used
- with the Arduino allows the songs to be loaded via a MIDI file.
- That brings us up to the present. My previous 8 floppy drive orchestra was not
- transportable and took up a ton of space. When I decided to present this project
- at Imagine RIT with RITlug, I knew I had to rebuild my orchestra to be portable
- and compact.
- There are plenty of tutorials online demonstrating how to build floppy
- orchestras, but, many of them are incomplete. Since this was my third time
- building a floppy orchestra, I decided to log my process and make a complete
- tutorial for my blog.
- Hardware
- ========
- - 10 Floppy Drives
- - Arduino Uno
- - LOTS of Ribbon Cables
- - 1 Old Power Supply
- - Hot Glue
- - Solder
- In in addition to these materials, you will also want something to mount your
- floppy drives to. I decided to use 2x2’s and half inch screws because they are
- cheep and I had some laying around my house.
- Assembly
- ========
- The first thing you should do is secure your floppy drives.
- Now, it is time to power the floppy drives and turn them on. To make the floppy
- drives turn on, you need to connect pins 11 and 12 on your floppy drives
- together. You can easily do this with a single ribbon cable.
- You can use an old power supply for this project. Since we are only using the
- stepper motor in the floppy drives, you only need to supply 5v. Each floppy
- drive has four power connectors, the middle two pins are ground, and the right
- pin is 5v and the left pin 12v. Since I had ten floppy drives to power, I used a
- bread board to avoid excessive soldering.
- To turn on a power supply you simply connect the green wire to any ground wire.
- If you want to get fancy, you can solder on a switch, however, must people just
- jam a paper clip into the motherboard connector.
- FWI: The red wires in your power supply are 5v and the black wires are ground.
- **Warning**: Do not draw all your power from the power supply via a single
- ribbon cable, it will melt. Ribbon cables have low gauge and are not meant for
- high wattages. It is good idea to use multiple 5v lines from your power supply
- and make sure that nowhere in your wiring is all the voltage going through a
- single ribbon cable.
- If you have done everything correct up to this point, you will see the green
- lights on the floppy drives turn on when the power supply is running.
- Now we need to connect the pins of the floppy drive to the Arduino.
- Personally, I started by connecting pin 19 on the floppy drive to the ground pin
- on the Arduino. Again, I used a bread board to make the connections easier.
- Next, we need to wire the step and direction pins of the floppy drives to the
- Arduino.
- Connect direction pin 18 on the floppy drive to pin 3 of the Arduino and step
- pin 20 to pin 2 of the Arduino. For additional floppy drives you follow the same
- pattern. For example, the next drive would be floppy pin 18 to Arduino pin 5 and
- floppy pin 20 to Arduino pin 4. If you are using something other than an Arduino
- Uno board this will potentially be different. We are using these specific pins
- on the Arduino because they correspond to this specific program.
- While making this, I had 4 sets of pins (8 total) connected to the Arduino,
- however, I have 10 floppy drives in total. I wired two sets of three drives and
- two sets of two drives together on the same Arduino “channel”. This makes the
- wiring easier and makes the sound better. Not all floppy drives sound the same,
- by pairing drives together you get a richer sound. Since I want to present this
- live, it also makes it louder for the audience.
- This is a ton of wiring! After you verify that the drives are working properly,
- I would strongly recommend using hot glue to secure ribbon cables to the drives.
- That’s it. Now your floppy drives should be good to go.
- Software
- ========
- This is the section where most other tutorials fall short. Please follow along
- carefully. First, have the following installed on your computer.
- - Arduino Software
- - NetBeans
- - JDK 1.8 – or higher
- Next download
- [timer1](https://code.google.com/archive/p/arduino-timerone/downloads) and
- [Moppy](https://github.com/SammyIAm/Moppy). Install timer one by extracting the
- files and copying the folder timer1 into the libraries folder under your root
- Arduino directory.
- Open up your Arduino software and paste the following code in the editor:
- ```
- #include <TimerOne.h>
- #define RESOLUTION1 40
- boolean firstRun = true; // Used for one-run-only stuffs;
- //First pin being used for floppies, and the last pin. Used for looping over all pins.
- const byte FIRST_PIN = 2;
- const byte PIN_MAX = 17;
- /*NOTE: Many of the arrays below contain unused indexes. This is
- to prevent the Arduino from having to convert a pin input to an alternate
- array index and save as many cycles as possible. In other words information
- for pin 2 will be stored in index 2, and information for pin 4 will be
- stored in index 4.*/
- /*An array of maximum track positions for each step-control pin. Even pins
- are used for control, so only even numbers need a value here. 3.5" Floppies have
- 80 tracks, 5.25" have 50. These should be doubled, because each tick is now
- half a position (use 158 and 98).
- */
- byte MAX_POSITION[] = {
- 0,0,158,0,158,0,158,0,158,0,158,0,158,0,158,0,158,0};
- //Array to track the current position of each floppy head. (Only even indexes (i.e. 2,4,6...) are used)
- byte currentPosition[] = {
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
- /*Array to keep track of state of each pin. Even indexes track the control-pins for toggle purposes. Odd indexes
- track direction-pins. LOW = forward, HIGH=reverse
- */
- int currentState[] = {
- };
- //Current period assigned to each pin. 0 = off. Each period is of the length specified by the RESOLUTION1
- //variable above. i.e. A period of 10 is (RESOLUTION1 x 10) microseconds long.
- unsigned int currentPeriod[] = {
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- };
- //Current tick
- unsigned int currentTick[] = {
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- };
- //Setup pins (Even-odd pairs for step control and direction
- void setup(){
- pinMode(13, OUTPUT);// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards
- pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Step control 1
- pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // Direction 1
- pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // Step control 2
- pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // Direction 2
- pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // Step control 3
- pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Direction 3
- pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // Step control 4
- pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Direction 4
- pinMode(10, OUTPUT); // Step control 5
- pinMode(11, OUTPUT); // Direction 5
- pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // Step control 6
- pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Direction 6
- pinMode(14, OUTPUT); // Step control 7
- pinMode(15, OUTPUT); // Direction 7
- pinMode(16, OUTPUT); // Step control 8
- pinMode(17, OUTPUT); // Direction 8
- Timer1.initialize(RESOLUTION1); // Set up a timer at the defined resolution
- Timer1.attachInterrupt(tick); // Attach the tick function
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- void loop(){
- //The first loop, reset all the drives, and wait 2 seconds...
- if (firstRun)
- {
- firstRun = false;
- resetAll();
- delay(2000);
- }
- //Only read if we have
- if (Serial.available() > 2){
- //Watch for special 100-message to reset the drives
- if (Serial.peek() == 100) {
- resetAll();
- //Flush any remaining messages.
- while(Serial.available() > 0){
- Serial.read();
- }
- }
- else{
- currentPeriod[Serial.read()] = (Serial.read() << 8) | Serial.read();
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Called by the timer inturrupt at the specified resolution.
- */
- void tick()
- {
- /*
- If there is a period set for control pin 2, count the number of
- ticks that pass, and toggle the pin if the current period is reached.
- */
- if (currentPeriod[2]>0){
- currentTick[2]++;
- if (currentTick[2] >= currentPeriod[2]){
- togglePin(2,3);
- currentTick[2]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[4]>0){
- currentTick[4]++;
- if (currentTick[4] >= currentPeriod[4]){
- togglePin(4,5);
- currentTick[4]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[6]>0){
- currentTick[6]++;
- if (currentTick[6] >= currentPeriod[6]){
- togglePin(6,7);
- currentTick[6]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[8]>0){
- currentTick[8]++;
- if (currentTick[8] >= currentPeriod[8]){
- togglePin(8,9);
- currentTick[8]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[10]>0){
- currentTick[10]++;
- if (currentTick[10] >= currentPeriod[10]){
- togglePin(10,11);
- currentTick[10]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[12]>0){
- currentTick[12]++;
- if (currentTick[12] >= currentPeriod[12]){
- togglePin(12,13);
- currentTick[12]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[14]>0){
- currentTick[14]++;
- if (currentTick[14] >= currentPeriod[14]){
- togglePin(14,15);
- currentTick[14]=0;
- }
- }
- if (currentPeriod[16]>0){
- currentTick[16]++;
- if (currentTick[16] >= currentPeriod[16]){
- togglePin(16,17);
- currentTick[16]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- void togglePin(byte pin, byte direction_pin) {
- //Switch directions if end has been reached
- if (currentPosition[pin] >= MAX_POSITION[pin]) {
- currentState[direction_pin] = HIGH;
- digitalWrite(direction_pin,HIGH);
- }
- else if (currentPosition[pin] <= 0) {
- currentState[direction_pin] = LOW;
- digitalWrite(direction_pin,LOW);
- }
- //Update currentPosition
- if (currentState[direction_pin] == HIGH){
- currentPosition[pin]--;
- }
- else {
- currentPosition[pin]++;
- }
- //Pulse the control pin
- digitalWrite(pin,currentState[pin]);
- currentState[pin] = ~currentState[pin];
- }
- //
- //
- //Not used now, but good for debugging...
- void blinkLED(){
- digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // set the LED on
- delay(250); // wait for a second
- digitalWrite(13, LOW);
- }
- //For a given controller pin, runs the read-head all the way back to 0
- void reset(byte pin)
- {
- digitalWrite(pin+1,HIGH); // Go in reverse
- for (byte s=0;s<MAX_POSITION[pin];s+=2){ //Half max because we're stepping directly (no toggle)
- digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(pin,LOW);
- delay(5);
- }
- currentPosition[pin] = 0; // We're reset.
- digitalWrite(pin+1,LOW);
- currentPosition[pin+1] = 0; // Ready to go forward.
- }
- //Resets all the pins
- void resetAll(){
- // Old one-at-a-time reset
- //for (byte p=FIRST_PIN;p<=PIN_MAX;p+=2){
- // reset(p);
- //}
- // New all-at-once reset
- for (byte s=0;s<80;s++){ // For max drive's position
- for (byte p=FIRST_PIN;p<=PIN_MAX;p+=2){
- digitalWrite(p+1,HIGH); // Go in reverse
- digitalWrite(p,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(p,LOW);
- }
- delay(5);
- }
- for (byte p=FIRST_PIN;p<=PIN_MAX;p+=2){
- currentPosition[p] = 0; // We're reset.
- digitalWrite(p+1,LOW);
- currentState[p+1] = 0; // Ready to go forward.
- }
- }
- ```
- Now you can upload this script to your Arduino.
- If you get any errors about your COM port, make sure that your Arduino is set to
- listen on COM1 under the Device manager –Windows only.
- If that works, you can now open Moppy through Netbeans and start playing with
- your musical floppy drives.
- For a great package of MIDI music to use check out
- [MrSolidSnake](https://github.com/coon42/Floppy-Music--midis-). Not all MIDI
- songs work well with floppy drives. Songs with too many tracks obviously won’t
- work well. Songs with high notes will sound terrible on floppy drives since they
- will grind their motors. Also, long notes don’t sound good because the floppy
- drives just spin back and forth. MrSolidSnake did a wonderful job at compiling a
- bunch of MIDI files that work’s well with floppy drives.
- I hope that this tutorial was helpful.
- <youtube src="X0FeJPFKpQw" />