- If you have ever taken a computer science class you probably know what
- the fibonacci sequence is and how to calculate it. For those who don't
- know: [Fibonacci](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci) is a
- sequence of numbers starting with 0,1 whose next number is the sum of
- the two previous numbers. After having multiple of my CS classes give
- lectures and homeworks on the Fibonacci sequence; I decided to write
- a blog post going over the 4 main ways of calculating the nth term of
- the Fibonacci sequence. In addition to providing the python code for
- calculating the nth perm of the sequence, a proof for their validity
- and an analysis of their time complexities both mathematically and
- empirically will be examined.
- # Slow Recursive Definition
- By the definition of the Fibonacci sequence, it is the most natural to
- write it as a recursive definition.
- ```Python
- def fib(n):
- if n == 0 or n == 1:
- return n
- return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
- ```
- ##Time Complexity
- Observing that each call has two recursive calls we can place an upper
- bound on this function as $O(2^n)$. However, if we solve this
- recurrence we can place a tight bound for time complexity.
- We can write a recurrence for the number of times fib is called:
- $$
- F(1) = 1\\
- F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)\\
- $$
- Next, we replace F(n) with $a^n$ since we want to find rate of
- exponential growth.
- $$
- a^n = a^{n-1} + a^{n-2}\\
- \frac{a^n}{a^{n-2}} = \frac{a^{n-1} + a^{n-2}}{a^{n-2}}\\
- a^2 = a + 1\\
- a = \frac{1 \pm sqrt(5)}{2}\\
- $$
- From this calculation we can conclude that F(n) $\in \Theta 1.681^n$.
- We don't have to worry about the negative root since it would not be
- asymptotically relevant by the definition of $\Theta$.
- ## Measured Performance
- Here is a graph of the actual performance that I observed from this
- recursive definition of Fibonacci.
- # Accumulation Solution
- The problem with the previous recursive solution is that you had to
- recalculate certain terms of fibonacci a ton of times. A summation
- variable would help us avoid this problem. You could write this
- solution using a simple loop or dynamic programming , however, I chose
- to use recursion to demonstrate that it's recursion which made the
- first problem slow.
- ```Python
- def fibHelper(n, a, b):
- if n == 0:
- return a
- elif n == 1:
- return b
- return fibHelper(n-1, b, a+b)
- ```
- ```python
- def fibIterative(n):
- return fibHelper(n, 0, 1)
- ```
- In this code example, fibHelper is a method which accumulates the
- previous two terms. The fibIterative is a wrapper method which sets
- the two initial terms equal to 0 and 1 representing the fibonacci
- sequence. At first it may not be obvious that fibIterative(n) is
- equivalent to fib(n). To demonstrate that these two are in fact
- equivalent, I broke this into two inductive proofs.
- ## Proof for Fib Helper
- **Lemma:** For any n $\epsilon$ N if n $>$ 1 then
- $fibHelper(n, a, b) = fibHelper(n - 1, a, b) + fibHelper(n - 2, a, b)$.
- **Proof via Induction**
- **Base Case**: n = 2:
- $$
- LHS = fibHelper(2, a, b)\\
- = fibHelper(1, b, a + b) = a + b\\
- RHS = fibHelper(2 -1, a, b) + fibHelper(2-2, a, b)\\
- = a + b\\
- $$
- **Inductive Step:**
- Assume proposition is true for all n and show n+1 follows.
- $$
- RHS=fibHelper(n+1;a,b)\\
- = fibHelper(n;b,a+b)\\
- =fibHelper(n-1;b,a+b) + fibHelper(n-2;b,a+b)\\
- =fibHelper(n;a,b) + fibHelper(n-1;a,b)\\
- =LHS\\
- $$
- $\Box$
- ## Proof That fibIterative = Fib
- **Lemma:** For any n $\in$ N, $fib(n)$ = $fibIterative(n, 0, 1)$
- **Proof via Strong Induction**
- **Base Case**: n = 0:
- $$
- fibIterative(0, 0, 0) = 0\\
- = fib(0)
- $$
- **Base Case**: n = 1:
- $$
- fibIterative(1, 0, 0) = 1\\
- = fib(1)
- $$
- **Inductive Step:**
- Assume proposition is true for all n and show n+1 follows.
- $$
- fib(n+1) = fib(n) + fib(n-1)\\
- = fibHelper(n, 0, 1) + fibHelper(n+1, 0 ,1) \quad\text{I.H}\\
- = fibHelper(n+1, 0, 1) \quad\text{from result in previous proof}\\
- $$
- $\Box$
- ## Time Complexity
- Suppose that we wish to solve for the time complexity in terms of the
- number of additions needed to be computed. Based on fibHelper we can
- see that it performs one addition every recursive call. We can now
- form a recurrence for time complexity.
- $$
- T(0) = 0\\
- T(1) = 0\\
- T(n) = 1 + T(n-1)\\
- T(n) = n-1\\
- $$
- From this recurrence we can say that fibHelper $\in \Theta(n)$.
- ## Measured Performance
- Notice how much faster this solution is compared to the original
- recursive solution for Fibonacci.
- # Matrix Solution
- We can actually get better than linear for performance for Fibonacci
- while still using recursion. However, to do so we need to know this
- fact:
- $$
- \begin{bmatrix}
- 1 & 1\\
- 1 & 0
- \end{bmatrix}^n =
- \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{n+1} & F_n\\
- F_n & F{n-1}
- \end{bmatrix}^n
- $$
- Without any tricks, raising a matrix to a power n times would not get
- us better than linear performance. However, if we use the
- [Exponentiation by
- Squaring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring)
- method, we can expect to see logarithmic time. Since two spots in the
- matrix are always equal, I represented the matrix as an array with
- only three elements to reduce the space and computations required.
- ```Python
- def multiply(a,b):
- product = [0,0,0]
- product[0] = a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1]
- product[1] = a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[2]
- product[2] = a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]
- return product
- ```
- ```python
- def power(l, k):
- if k == 1:
- return l
- temp = power(l, k//2)
- if k%2 == 0:
- return multiply(temp, temp)
- else:
- return multiply(l, multiply(temp, temp))
- ```
- ```python
- def fibPower(n):
- l = [1,1,0]
- return power(l, n)[1]
- ```
- ## Time Complexity
- For this algorithm, lets solve for the time complexity as the number
- of additions and multiplications required.
- Since we are always multiplying two 2x2 matrices, that operation is
- constant time.
- $$
- T_{multiply} = 9
- $$
- Solving for the time complexity of fib power is slightly more
- complicated.
- $$
- T_{power}(1) = 0\\
- T_{power}(n) = T(\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2}\right\rfloor) + T_{multiply}\\
- = T(\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2}\right\rfloor) + 9\\
- = T(\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2*2}\right\rfloor) + 9 + 9\\
- = T(\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2*2*2}\right\rfloor) + 9+ 9 + 9\\
- T_{power}(n) = T(\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2^k}\right\rfloor) + 9k\\
- $$
- let $k=k_0$ such that $\left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2^{k_0}}\right\rfloor =
- 1$
- $$
- \left\lfloor\dfrac{n}{2^{k_0}}\right\rfloor = 1 \rightarrow 1 \leq \frac{n}{2^{k_0}} < 2\\
- \rightarrow 2^{k_0} \leq n < 2^{k_0 +1}\\
- \rightarrow k_0 \leq lg(n) < k_0+1\\
- \rightarrow k_0 = \left\lfloor lg(n)\right\rfloor\\
- T_{power}(n) = T(1) + 9*\left\lfloor lg(n)\right\rfloor\\
- T_{power}(n) = 9*\left\lfloor\ lg(n)\right\rfloor\\
- T_{fibPower}(n) = T_{power}(n)\\
- $$
- Now we can state that $fibPower(n) \in \Theta(log(n))$.
- ## Inductive Proof for Matrix Method
- I would like to now prove that this matrix identity is valid since it
- is not at first obvious.
- **Lemma:** For any n $\epsilon$ N if n $>$ 0 then
- $$
- \begin{bmatrix}
- 1 & 1\\
- 1 & 0
- \end{bmatrix}^n =
- \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{n+1} & F_n\\
- F_n & F{n-1}
- \end{bmatrix}^n
- $$
- Let
- $$
- A=
- \begin{bmatrix}
- 1 & 1\\
- 1 & 0
- \end{bmatrix}^n
- $$
- **Base Case:** n = 1
- $$
- A^1=
- \begin{bmatrix}
- 1 & 1\\
- 1 & 0
- \end{bmatrix}^n =
- \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{2} & F_2\\
- F_2 & F_{0}
- \end{bmatrix}^n
- $$
- **Inductive Step:** Assume proposition is true for n, show n+1 follows
- $$
- A^{n+1}=
- \begin{bmatrix}
- 1 & 1\\
- 1 & 0
- \end{bmatrix}
- \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{n+1} & F_n\\
- F_n & F{n-1}
- \end{bmatrix}^n\\
- = \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{n+1} + F_n & F_n + F_{n-1}\\
- F_{n+1} & F_{n}
- \end{bmatrix}\\
- = \begin{bmatrix}
- F_{n+2} & F_{n+1}\\
- F_{n+1} & F_{n}
- \end{bmatrix}\\
- $$
- $\Box$
- ## Measured Performance
- As expected by our mathematical calculations, the algorithm appears to
- be running in logarithmic time.
- ## Measured Performance With Large Numbers
- When calculating the fibonacci term for extremely large numbers
- despite having a polynomial time complexity, the space required to
- compute each Fibonacci term grows exponentially. Since our performance
- is only pseudo-polynomial we see a degrade in our performance when
- calculating large terms of the fibonacci sequence.
- The one amazing thing to point out here is that despite calculating
- the 10,000 term of Fibonacci, this algorithm is nearly 400 times
- faster than the recursive algorithm when calculating the 30th term of
- Fibonacci.
- # Closed Form Definition
- It is actually possible to calculate Fibonacci in constant time using
- Binet's Formula.
- $$
- F_n = \frac{(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})^n-(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2})^n}{\sqrt{5}}
- $$
- ```Python
- def fibClosedFormula(n):
- p = ((1+ math.sqrt(5))/2)**n
- v = ((1-math.sqrt(5))/2)**n
- return (p-v)/math.sqrt(5)
- ```
- ## Derivation of Binet's Formula
- Similar to when we were calculating the time complexity of the basic
- recursive definition , we want to start by finding the two roots of
- the equation in terms of exponents.
- $$
- a^n = a^{n-1} + a^{n-2}\\
- \frac{a^n}{a^{n-2}} = \frac{a^{n-1} + a^{n-2}}{a^{n-2}}\\
- a^2 = a + 1\\
- 0 = a^2 - a - 1\\
- a = \frac{1 \pm sqrt(5)}{2}\\
- $$
- Since there are two roots to the equation, the solution of $F_n$ is
- going to be a linear combination of the two roots.
- $$
- F_n = c_1(\frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2})^n + c_2(\frac{1 - \sqrt{5}}{2})^n
- $$
- Fact: $F_1$ = 1
- $$
- F_1 = 1\\
- = c_1(\frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}) + c_2(\frac{1 - \sqrt{5}}{2})\\
- = \frac{c_1}{2} + \frac{c_2}{2} + \frac{c_1\sqrt{5}}{2} - \frac{c_2\sqrt{5}}{2}\\
- $$
- Let $c_1 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}}$, Let $c_2 = \frac{-1}{\sqrt{5}}$
- $$
- F_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt(5)}((\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})^n-(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2})^n)\\
- = \frac{(\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})^n-(\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2})^n}{\sqrt{5}}
- $$
- ## Time Complexity
- Since we managed to find the closed form of the fibonacci sequence we
- can expect to see constant performance.
- ## Measured Performance