- Following the tradition I started last
- [year](https://jrtechs.net/other/2018-in-review), I'm making a quick
- "year in review" blog post. At this point year in review posts are
- cliché, however, I want to continue the tradition because reflection
- helps me move forward with a focused vision on what is important. I'm
- going to chunk this into semesters because that is how my college
- brain thinks right now.
- # Spring Semester
- During the spring semester, I was on CO-OP at RIT doing research.
- ## Talks Given
- - Intro to R
- - [Graph Databases](https://ritlug.com/talks/2019/03/01/graph-databases/)
- - Adversarial Networks in Cyber Security
- - How Hackers use Genetic Algorithms to Develop Malware
- ## Favorite Blog Posts Written
- - [College Cooking](https://jrtechs.net/other/college-cookbook)
- - [Making a Genetic Algorithm](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/lets-build-a-genetic-algorithm)
- - [Closer Look at Fitbit Data](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/a-closer-look-at-fitbit-data)
- - [Multi Threaded File IO](https://jrtechs.net/programming/multi-threaded-file-io)
- ## RIT Datafest
- Data fest is a hackathon for undergraduate students to tackle a
- problem using a complex dataset. I helped my team develope a neural
- network that predicts fatigue and performance for women's rugby
- players.
- ## Brick Hack
- At [brickhack](https://www.brickhack.io/) I created an interactive
- [website](https://github-graphs.com/) that allows you to make friends
- graphs using the GitHub API.
- ## Imagine RIT
- At imagine RIT I presented my musical floppy drive project with
- RITlug.
- # Summer Semester
- During the summer semester, I continued my research CO-OP out in Rome
- NY.
- ## Photography
- During the summer I picked back up my long lost photography hobby.
- ### Pixely Falls
- ### Oriskany Battlefield
- ### Trip to NJ/NYC
- ### Boldt Castle
- ### 4th Of July Fireworks
- ### Little Falls
- ### RIT Observatory
- ## RIT Research Symposium
- Near the end of the summer I presented a part of my research at the
- RIT Undergraduate research symposium.
- # Fall Semester
- During the fall semester I was a busy bee:
- - Took 5 classes
- - SWEN 261 TA
- - Part-time Research Assistant
- - [RITlug](https://ritlug.com) President
- - RIT AI Member
- - [FOSS @ RIT MAGIC](https://fossrit.github.io/) member
- ## Talks Given
- - [Welcome to RITlug](https://ritlug.com/talks/2019/08/30/welcome-to-ritlug/)
- - [Into to R](http://rit-scg.com/workshop/2019/09/30/programming-in-R/)
- - [Shells 101](https://ritlug.com/talks/2019/09/30/shells/)
- - [Raspberry PI 101](https://ritlug.com/talks/2019/10/25/pi-fest/)
- - Hacktoberfest
- - [Everything SSH!](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/teaching-ssh-through-a-ctf)
- - [Organized and ran a Student Panel on Open Source software during The Future is Open Conference](https://fossrit.github.io/events/2019/10/26/the-future-is-open/)
- ## Highlighted Blog Posts
- - [Developing an AI to Play Asteroids](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/developing-an-ai-to-play-asteroids-part-1)
- - [Responsible Optimization](https://jrtechs.net/other/responsible-optimization)
- - [Teaching SSH Through a CTF](https://jrtechs.net/open-source/teaching-ssh-through-a-ctf)
- ## Maker Faire
- This year as RITlug's president, I organized our presence at the
- Rochester Maker faire.
- ## Favorite Day Trips
- ### Cobbs Hill Park
- ### Hamlin Beach
- ### Chimney Bluffs
- # Favorites of 2019
- ## Movie
- Rocketman
- <youtube src="S3vO8E2e6G0" />
- ## Picture Taken
- ## Song
- Dance Monkey
- <youtube src="q0hyYWKXF0Q" />
- ## TV Show
- Mr. Robot Season 4
- <youtube src="o4r1X1wG1FQ" />
- ## YouTube Video
- <youtube src="8gdJiNqP35k" />
- ## Book
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
- ## Selfie
- I'm not a huge fan of selfies, but, I liked this photo enough to put
- it on Linkedin profile.