- Inspired by [Justin Flory](https://justinwflory.com/) and [Dan
- Schneiderman](http://www.schneidy.com), I decided to make a 2018
- review post. I believe that it would be a good way to reflect upon
- what I did in 2018 and make plans for 2019. This post will be a very
- high level overview of the projects and activities that I did in 2018
- -- nothing personal. Pictures say a thousand words, so, I will include
- a lot.
- # January:
- **Eagle Ceremony**
- **Started Second Semester of College**
- Classes:
- - Mechanics of Programming
- - Statistics
- - Discrete Math
- - Communications
- - Moral Issues
- **Brick hack 4**
- # February:
- **RIT Career Fair**
- **Build my Blog in Node.js**
- # March:
- **Upgrading Floppy Drive Project**
- **Designed Website for Hoffends**
- # April:
- **Imagine RIT**
- # May:
- **End of Second Semester**
- **Started SSA Research Job**
- # June:
- **Steam Graph Project**
- <youtube src="DoDaHmyIPvQ" />
- # July
- **Summer!**
- <youtube src="t7s2alt0sQ8" />
- **Updated UI for the Blog**
- # August:
- **Presented at RIT's Undergraduate Research Symposium**
- **Second Year of College**
- First year on the Eboard of RITlug as Vice President.
- Classes:
- - Linear Algebra
- - Analysis Of Algorithms
- - CS Theory
- - SWEN
- - Public Policy
- # September:
- **End of Summer :(**
- # October:
- **Hacktoberfest**
- # November:
- **Foss [Election Night Hackathon](https://www.hackathon.com/event/8th-annual-election-night-hackathon---2018-midterms-51634099983)**
- **Rochester Maker Fair**
- # December:
- **End of Fall Semester**