- In this blog post I examine the ways in which antivirus programs
- currently employ machine learning and then go into the security
- vulnerabilities that it brings.
- # ML in the Antivirus Industry
- Malware detection falls into two broad categories: static and dynamic
- analysis. Static analysis examines the program without actually
- running the code. Static analysis looks at things like the file
- fingerprints, hashes, reverse engineering, memory artifacts, packer
- detection, and debugging. Static analysis is largely known for
- looking up the hashes of the virus against a known database of
- viruses. It is super easy to fool signature based malware detection
- using simple obfuscation methods. Dynamic analysis is a technique
- where you run the program in a sandbox and monitor all the actions
- that the virus takes. If you notice that the program is acting
- suspicious, it is likely a virus. Suspicious behavior typically
- includes things like registry edits and API calls to bad host names.
- Antivirus detection is very difficult, but, probably not for the
- reasons you think. The issue isn't writing programs which can detect
- these static or dynamic properties of viruses-- that is the easy part.
- It is also relatively easy to determine a general rule set for what
- makes a program dangerous. You can also easily blacklist suspicious
- domains, block malicious activity, and implement a signature based
- maleware detection program.
- The real problem is that there are hundreds of thousands of malware
- applications and more are created every day. Not only are there tons
- of pesky malware applications, there is an absurd amount of normal
- programs which we don't want malware applications to block. It is
- impossible for a small team of malware researchers to create a
- definitive set of heuristics which can correctly identify all malware
- programs. This is where we turn to the field of Machine Learning.
- Humans are very bad with big data, but, computers love big data. Most
- antivirus companies use machine learning and it has been a large
- success so far because it has allowed us to dramatically improve our
- ability to detect zero day viruses.
- ## Interesting Examples
- ### Cylance
- [Cylance](https://www.cylance.com) uses supervised learning and static analysis to classify files as being malware.
- This product pulls a list of attributes from the file which they can then compare against other known viruses.
- ### MalwareBytes Anomalous
- [Anomalous](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/machinelearning-anomalous-100/) is a machine learning application which simply flags files which appear different from their training set of known normal files.
- This does not attempt to classify what makes a virus a virus, but, what makes a normal program a normal program.
- Anything which is not a normal program, it alerts you about since it can be a virus.
- ### Kaspersky
- Kaspersky appears to have done a ton of research into using machine
- learning for malware detection. I would highly recommend that you read
- their [white
- paper](https://media.kaspersky.com/en/enterprise-security/Kaspersky-Lab-Whitepaper-Machine-Learning.pdf)
- on this subject.
- # Why is this a problem?
- It turns out that machine learning systems can be easily fooled by
- using other machine learning algorithms. A classic example of this is
- with image classification. It is easy to use neural networks or
- genetic algorithms to generate examples which fool the machine
- learning application by learning the weights of the machine learning
- application and then making slight tweaks to your input to give a
- false classification.
- Since viruses generation is a non-differentiable problem, people often
- use Genetic algorithms for the adversarial network to fool the
- antivirus. In other words, you don't want to attempt to calculate the
- derivative between two versions of a virus for gradient decent. Since
- viruses are high dimensional problems, it turns out that most calc
- implementations would actually be inefficient at traversing the search
- space to find the global minimum. If you want to learn more about
- genetic algorithms, check out my [recent blog
- post](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/lets-build-a-genetic-algorithm)
- on it.
- # Fooling Antivirus Software
- ## Genetic Algorithms
- There are two major approaches which people have used to generate
- antivirus resistant malware with genetic algorithms. The first
- approach is to slowly make polymorphic changes to the virus in order
- to fool the malware detection. One of the interesting things about
- this approach is that you have to have some way of verifying that the
- polymorphic behaviors that you apply to the virus don't break its
- "virus capabilities".
- An other approach used is to represent a virus as a set of properties.
- These properties are everything from the port of attack, the payloads,
- obfuscation parameters, etc. The genetic algorithm would simply tweak
- the properties of the virus until it found a configuration which
- evaded the antivirus program.
- ## Reinforcement Learning
- A research group at [Endgame](https://www.endgame.com/) recently gave
- a [Def Con](https://www.defcon.org/) talk where they presented a
- framework which uses reinforcement learning to evade static virus
- detection.
- At a high level, the AI plays a "game" against the antivirus where the
- agent can make functionality-preserving mutations to the virus. The
- reward for the agent is its ability to not get detected by the
- anti-virus. Over time the AI will learn which type of actions will
- result in getting detected by the antivirus. This framework can be
- found on [Github](https://github.com/endgameinc/gym-malware).
- # Takeaways
- Machine learning is great, but, it needs to be properly defended. As
- we start to use machine learning more and more, a large portion of the
- cyber security field may shift its focus away from securing systems to
- securing big data applications.
- # Resources
- - [Blog post on Genetic Algorithms](https://jrtechs.net/data-science/lets-build-a-genetic-algorithm)
- - [Kaspersky White Paper](https://media.kaspersky.com/en/enterprise-security/Kaspersky-Lab-Whitepaper-Machine-Learning.pdf)
- - [Windows Defender Use of ML](https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2015/11/16/windows-defender-rise-of-the-machine-learning/)
- - [Machine Learning Malware Models via Reinforcement Learning (Paper)](https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.08917)
- - [Evolvable Malware (Paper)](http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~mshafiq/files/evolvable-malware.pdf)