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  1. \documentclass[pdftex,12pt]{artikel3}
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  36. \title{
  37. \begin{center}
  38. \huge{Jupyter Notebook User Document} \\
  39. \huge{CSCI-471-02}\\
  40. \end{center}
  41. \\
  42. \\
  43. \\
  44. \\
  45. \\
  46. \author{} % \author{Jeffery B. Russell} \\
  47. % \author{Daniel Moore}
  48. \date{} % \date{Febuary 20, 2020}
  49. }
  50. %% document starts
  51. \begin{document}
  52. \maketitle
  53. \begin{center}
  54. \author{Jeffery B. Russell}
  55. \author{Daniel Moore}
  56. \author{Lauden Y}
  57. \date{Febuary 20, 2020}
  58. \end{center}
  59. \newpage
  60. \tableofcontents
  61. \addtocontents{toc}{~\hfill\textbf{Page}\par}
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  66. \newpage
  67. \section{Introduction}
  68. Jupyter Lab is an open-source web-based notebook tool that you can use as your development environment.
  69. A coding notebook enables you to intermix markdown, and code blocks that you can execute in a single document. This is heavily used in the education and research fields because it makes writing reports easy and reproducible. With Jupyter you can create content that has live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text.
  70. Applications of Jupyter Jab:
  71. \begin{itemize}
  72. \item Quick Experimentation
  73. \item Telling a story with data
  74. \item Writing a report
  75. \item Sharing code snippets for education
  76. \end{itemize}
  77. In this document we are going to go over the basic installation and usage of Jupyter Lab for personal use developing python\index{python}. In the advanced usage section we go over how to use
  78. \section{Installation}
  79. To install, first go to \href{}{Jupyter Install} for a detailed guide. This user document assumes that you install Jupyter Lab. \textbf{Do Not Install Jupyter Notebook. }
  80. \subsection{Prerequisites}
  81. In order to install Jupyter, you must have Python installed. Your version of Python \textbf{must be 3.3 or greater}. As part of having Python, you will also have pip. Click \href{}{here} for the latest version of Python\\
  82. \\
  83. However, we highly recommend you take the time now to install \href{}{Conda} now because it'll be helpful later one with some of the more advanced features of Jupyter as well as machine learning focused Python.\\
  84. \\
  85. You should also have either Firefox, Chrome or Safari as these are the only browsers Jupyter is currently known to work with.
  86. \subsection{Installation on Linux}
  87. There a two ways of installing Jupyter on Linux.\\
  88. \\
  89. Using pip the command is \textbf{pip install jupyterlab}.\\
  90. \\
  91. Using conda the command is \textbf{conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab}
  92. \subsection{Installation on Windows}
  93. Installation on Windows is the same as installation on Linux except that you must also add the user-level bin directory if you installed using \textbf{pip install --user}.
  94. \section{Usage}
  95. To run Jupyter Lab, open your computer's command terminal and enter the following command. This will open Jupyter Lab in your default web browser.
  96. \texttt{jupyter lab}
  97. \tabfigref{fig:jupyterlablauncher} is what you will see upon first running Jupyter Lab. Otherwise, it can open to the most recent notebook you were working on.
  98. \begin{figure}[h!]
  99. \centering
  100. \includegraphics[width=65mm]{launcher.png}
  101. \caption{Default Jupyter Lab launcher}
  102. \label{fig:jupyterlablauncher}
  103. \end{figure}
  104. \subsection{Navigation}
  105. Once Jupyter Lab is running, you will see on the left side of the screen a column of icons. Each icon will open a different panel to the right of it when you click it. From top to bottom, these icons have the following functions:
  106. File Browser (folder icon): displays a file browser for the user to open, move, or delete their files.
  107. Running Terminals and Kernels (square stop button inside a circle): shows the user all currently active terminal and kernel sessions.
  108. Commands (palette icon): allows the user to enter various commands into Jupyter Lab.
  109. Notebook Tools (wrench icon): shows various options for the user's current notebook.
  110. Open Tabs (a tabbed window icon): lists all currently open tabs in Jupyter Lab.
  111. Additionally, the top toolbar conta
  112. \subsection{Creating a Notebook}
  113. To create a notebook (the working document for both python code and text markdown) from the launcher (\tabfigref{fig:jupyterlablauncher}), click on the Python 3 icon under the orange notebook symbol. Alternatively, if you don't have the launcher open, you can click on File in the toolbar, click New, and finally click Notebook.
  114. \subsection{Running a Notebook}
  115. \subsection{Exporting Notebooks}
  116. In order to export the document, click the \textbf{File} tab, mouse down to \textbf{Export Notebook As...} and then click any of the myriad of formats to export as that format.
  117. \subsection{Customization}
  118. Customization of Jupyter is in general exceptionally easy.\\
  119. \\
  120. In order to change the theme, one simply needs to go to the \textbf{Settings} tab and drop down to JupyterLab Theme. This will allow you to change from light to dark mode as well as the font sizes for the code, content and UI.\\
  121. \\
  122. Scrolling down the rest of the Settings you see many other things that can be customized.\\
  123. \\
  124. Advanced settings allows you to customize many aspects of Jupyter Lab such as keyboard shortcuts, terminal settings, and a myriad of others.
  125. \includegraphics[scale=.6]{Jupyter Settings.jpg}
  126. \section{Advanced Usage}
  127. \subsection{Multiple Kernels}
  128. \subsection{Remote Connection}
  129. \subsection{Running a Server}
  130. \newpage
  131. \section{Glossary}
  132. \begin{itemize}[label={}]
  133. \item {\bf Jupyter}: Nonprofit organization created to "develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages". \footnote{{\url}}\index{jupyter}\\
  134. \item {\bf Python}: High-level interpreted, general purpose programming language \footnote{{\url}}.\index{python}\\
  135. \item {\bf Markdown(MD)}: Lightweight markup-language \footnote{{\url}}.\index{markdown}\\
  136. \item {\bf pip}: Tool for installing and managing python packages \footnote{{\url}}.\index{pip}\\
  137. \item {\bf Scala}: General purpose functional programming language that runs on the JVM \footnote{{\url}}.\index{scala}\\
  138. \item {\bf R}: Programming language for statistical computing and graphics \footnote{{\url}}.\index{r}\\
  139. \end{itemize}
  140. \newpage
  141. \section{References}
  142. \begin{enumerate}
  143. \item
  144. {\url\_machine}
  145. \item
  146. TODO
  147. \end{enumerate}
  148. \newpage
  149. \section{Index}
  150. \printindex
  151. % outputs its own heading, which does not match the sections
  152. \end{document}