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package net.jrtechs.www.DataStructures.Trees.Heap;
import net.jrtechs.www.DataStructures.Lists.ArrayList.ArrayBackedList;
* Basic implementation of a {@link IHeap}. By default, this is
* a min heap, however, using the second constructor with
* (BinaryHeap.MAX_HEAP) will create a max heap. To keep the
* performance of using an array, while having a dynamically scalable
* heap, {@link ArrayBackedList} was used since it.
* Operation complexities:
* insertion: O(logN)
* delete extrema: O(logN)
* get extrema: O(1)
* Basic Heap Operations:
* Parent index = (i-1)/2 or (i-2)/2
* Left Node = 2n + 1
* Right Node = 2n + 1
* @author Jeffery Russell 8-26-18
public class BinaryHeap<E extends Comparable>
implements IHeap<E>
/** Used to define comparisons for a Max heap */
public static final int MAX_HEAP = -1;
/** Used to define comparisons for a Min heap */
public static final int MIN_HEAP = 1;
/** Where the heap is storing data */
private ArrayBackedList<E> data;
/** Ordering which heap is using defined by
private int ordering;
* Creates a new min Binary Heap
public BinaryHeap()
{ = new ArrayBackedList<>();
this.ordering = MIN_HEAP;
* Creates a new binary heap with a specific ordering defined by
* the MAX_HEAP, and MIN_HEAP constants
* @param ordering type of ordering to use
public BinaryHeap(int ordering)
this.ordering = ordering; = new ArrayBackedList<>();
* Inserts a new element at the end of the array, and then shifts it
* up to perserve the order of the heap.
* @param o element to insert
public void insert(E o)
this.shiftUp( -1);
* Preserves structure of heap after a element has been
* added to the end of the heap.
* @param nodeIndex index of node to recursively bring up
private void shiftUp(int nodeIndex)
if(nodeIndex != 0)
int parentIndex = (nodeIndex -1)/2;
if(data.get(parentIndex).compareTo(data.get(nodeIndex)) == ordering)
data.swap(nodeIndex, parentIndex);
* Preserves the order of heap after the top element has been
* removed.
* @param i index of element to recursively heapify
private void heapify(int i)
int left = 2 * i + 1;
int right = 2 * i + 2;
int extrema = (left < data.size() &&
data.get(left).compareTo(data.get(i)) != ordering)
? left : i;
extrema = (right < data.size() &&
data.get(right).compareTo(data.get(extrema)) != ordering)
? right: extrema;
if(extrema != i)
{, extrema);
* Removes the top element of the heap.
* @return top element
public E remove()
if( == 0)
return null;
E element =;, -1));
return element;
* Returns the min/max value of the heep
* @return extrema value
public E peek()
if(data.size() == 0)
return null;
return data.get(0);