- # GoogleTrendsGame
- Guess the trends beat your friends
- ![alt text](http://www.devhumor.com/content/uploads/images/August2017/java-javascript.jpg)
- ## Server dependencies
- ````
- npm init -y
- npm install --save express morgan
- npm install socket.io --save
- npm install mysql --save
- npm install sanitizer --save
- npm install google-trends-api --save
- npm install promise --save
- npm install async --save
- npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-es2015 rimraf
- ````
- ###Configure Babel
- ```
- touch .babelrc
- ```
- In that file put:
- ````
- {
- "presets": ["es2015"]
- }
- ````
- ##Database Construction
- ````
- create database googleTrends;
- use googleTrends;
- create table users(
- user_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
- name varchar(30) not null,
- primary key(user_id)
- );
- create table data(
- data_id mediumint unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
- user_id mediumint unsigned not null,
- word varchar(100) not null,
- score mediumint not null,
- primary key(data_id)
- );
- grant all on googleTrends.* to trendingUser@localhost identified by "password";
- ````
- ## Socket IO events for server
- ````
- ````