- var btns = document.querySelectorAll('button');
- var score=document.getElementsByClassName("player");
- var XO = 'x';
- var win1=0;
- var win2=0;
- var NoOneWon=0;
- var player=[];
- var AI=[];
- for(i = 0; i<btns.length; i++){
- btns[i].onclick = function(){
- if( ! this.classList.contains('unclickable')){
- player.push(this.attributes.id);
- this.textContent = XO;
- this.style.fontSize = '20px';
- this.classList.add('unclickable');
- NoOneWon++;
- if(XO==='x'){
- XO = 'o';
- }else{XO = 'x';}
- if(checkWinner(player)){alert('palyer 1 won'); init();
- win1++;
- score[0].firstElementChild.textContent = "player 1: "+win1;
- }
- againstAi(); //error at the last click of the 1st playerX but doesn't matter :/
- NoOneWon++;
- if(NoOneWon==9){
- alert('no One Won :|');init();
- }
- }//onclick end
- }
- }
- function againstAi(){
- var emptyList= new Array();
- for(i = 0; i<btns.length ; i++){
- if( ! btns[i].classList.contains('unclickable')){
- emptyList.push(btns[i]);
- }
- }
- /*for(i = 0; i<emptyList.length ; i++){
- console.log(emptyList[i]);
- }*/
- //random btn
- var random=Math.floor(Math.random() *emptyList.length);
- AI.push(emptyList[random].attributes.id);
- emptyList[random].textContent=XO
- emptyList[random].style.fontSize = '20px';
- emptyList[random].classList.add('unclickable');
- // console.log(random);
- if(XO==='x'){
- XO = 'o';
- }else{XO = 'x';}
- if(checkWinner(AI)){alert('player 2 won ');init();
- win2++;
- score[0].firstElementChild.textContent = "player 1: "+win2;
- }
- }//againstAi end
- function checkWinner(playerX){
- if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 0 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 1 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 2 ) ) !=-1) ){
- //console.log(playerX.indexOf( btnId( 5 ) ) !=-1)
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 3 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 4 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 5 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 6 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 7 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 8 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 0 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 3 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 6 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 1 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 4 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 7 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 2 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 5 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 8 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 0 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 4 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 8 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else if((playerX.indexOf( btnId( 2 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 4 ) ) !=-1 && playerX.indexOf( btnId( 6 ) ) !=-1)){
- return true;
- }
- else{return false;}
- }
- function btnId(a){
- return btns[a].attributes.id;
- }
- function init(){
- for(i = 0 ; i<9 ; i++){
- btns[i].style.fontSize='1px';
- btns[i].textContent="x" // just an initialisation :)
- if(btns[i].classList.contains('unclickable')){btns[i].classList.remove('unclickable');}
- player=[];
- AI=[];
- NoOneWon=0;
- }
- }