datafest competition 2019
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# File to normalize the user inputted data in
# the wellness
wellnessData <- readWellnessData()
playerIds <-unique(wellnessData$PlayerID)
cat("Number of Players: ", length(playerIds), sep="")
normPlayerIDs <- c()
normDate <- c()
normFatigue <- c()
normSoreness <- c()
normDesire <- c()
normIrritability <- c()
normSleepHours <- c()
normSleepQuality <- c()
for(id in playerIds)
wellnessDataT <- subset(wellnessData, PlayerID == id)
if(length(wellnessDataT$Fatigue) > 0)
userTibble <- subset(wellnessData, PlayerID == id)
#fatigueNormalized <- bestNormalize(userTibble$Fatigue)
fatigueNormalized <- bestNormalize(userTibble$Fatigue, standardize = TRUE)
fatNorm <-predict(fatigueNormalized)
sleepNormalized <- bestNormalize(userTibble$SleepHours, standardize = TRUE)
sleepNorm <-predict(fatigueNormalized)
soreness <- bestNormalize(userTibble$Soreness, standardize = TRUE)
sorenessNorm <- predict(soreness)
desire <- bestNormalize(userTibble$Desire, standardize = TRUE)
desireNorm <- predict(desire)
irritability <- bestNormalize(userTibble$Irritability, standardize = TRUE)
irritabilityNorm <- predict(irritability)
sleepHours <- bestNormalize(userTibble$SleepHours, standardize = TRUE)
sleepHoursNorm <- predict(sleepHours)
sleepQuality <- bestNormalize(userTibble$SleepQuality, standardize = TRUE)
sleepQualityNorm <- predict(sleepQuality)
normPlayerIDs <- c(normPlayerIDs, userTibble$PlayerID)
normDate <- c(normDate, userTibble$TimeSinceAugFirst)
normSoreness <- c(normSoreness, sorenessNorm)
normFatigue <- c(normFatigue, fatNorm)
normDesire <- c(normDesire, desireNorm)
normIrritability <- c(normIrritability, irritabilityNorm)
normSleepHours <- c(normSleepHours, sleepHoursNorm)
normSleepQuality <- c(normSleepQuality, sleepQualityNorm)
normalWellnessData <- tibble(date = normDate, playerID = normPlayerIDs, normSoreness = normSoreness,
normFatigue = normFatigue, normDesire = normDesire, normIrritability = normIrritability,
normSleepHours = normSleepHours, normSleepQuality = normSleepQuality)
write.csv(normalWellnessData, "cleaned/normalizedWellness.csv")
plot(normDesire, normSoreness)